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Book 10 Chapter 18

Na Yerin after the explosion, waking up!

Day 1 of burial!

She was alive and well.

More tenacious than his nanjingchong (南京蟲: cockroach), his life force is only about this much.

I wasn't weak enough to succumb to the accident.

Hoodoo! Hoodoo!

It took quite a while for the thick cloud of dust to clear. The moment the dust filled the cave, it was very difficult to breathe. In order to breathe more easily, she had to do a few tricks. It was much more profitable to put in a little effort than to inhale dirt like water. It was a struggle to eat something that didn't fill her up.

"Koloch, Koloch, you look like a mountain."

None of her limbs had fallen off, and she hadn't been crushed by the rocks. It was a stroke of luck. Bi Ryuyeon looked at her right hand and breathed a sigh of relief. There, lying unconscious, was Na Yerin. She was covered in dust, but fortunately, she didn't seem to be injured.

"Whoa, that was a close call."

I was looking at an unexploded ordnance when Na Yerin came running to warn me of the danger. She knew instinctively that it was dangerous. The moment Na Yerin grabbed her hand, Bi Ryuyeon pulled her into her arms, shielding her and unleashing the full power of the Phoenix Transformation to move out of the blast zone. However, she was unable to completely escape and was caught up in the enormous explosion. Perhaps if he had been half a step slower, they would both have been sent to the other world.

It was, in a word, nine lives and one death.


Dew from the cave fell through the cracks in the ceiling and onto Na Yerin's snow-white face. Her eyelids fluttered open. Then her eyes opened, revealing beautiful pupils like the night sky. When she woke up from her dream, Bi Ryuyeon smiled in front of her and said, "I'm sorry.


The voice sounded unfazed, even exuberant, after all that had happened. For a moment, Na Yerin thought she was in a gazebo on a beautiful spring day, not in the shadow of death. It wasn't until she checked the darkness around her that she realized she was still inside the palace, and the pain that shot through her body reminded her that she was alive.

"Your ears are dull."

She said. It was the aftermath of an explosion. Not unreasonable for such a loud explosion at such a distance. Her ears were still ringing.

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like you have a torn eardrum."

I was able to distinguish the sounds, so it was clear that my eardrums were fine.

"Is Confucius unharmed?"

Confucius……. It was an undeserved title, but Na Yerin had always called him that.

"I don't think so."

Ryuyeon Bi replied.

"I don't think so, lying is not a good habit."

Na Yerin's sharp gaze didn't miss the reddening of Bi Ryuyeon's elbow.

"That red sigil on your left elbow, you didn't paint it, did you?"

Na Yerin's point was sharp.

"Wow, you must have very good eyes to be able to see that in all this darkness."

She was genuinely impressed.


She raised herself up on her elbows and stared at the water. She had never seen blood in any of her previous battles or raids. But this time, it was definitely blood.

"Huh! I haven't seen blood in a long time. How dare you flow my expensive blood without permission……. If this was done artificially by someone, I won't let it happen."

It was a very Bi Ryuyeon thing to say.

"We need to heal the wounds first."

"These things can be licked."

Bi replied nonchalantly.

"That can't be right!"

Na Yerin pulled a poultice and a bandage from her pocket and applied the medicine to his elbow wound, then bandaged it up.

"If you get this many cuts from this many explosions, you're in good shape, so don't worry too much."

"I'm not worried about it."

Na Yerin's stiff response.

When she was done, she pulled out the half-buried mukgum next to her to check for any damage, but it was hard to see it in the dark. Even with her excellent eyesight, it was too dark to see any damage to the object.

Bi Ryuyeon looked back at Na Yerin and asked.

"Do you happen to have anything that glows? I have a torch, but I can't light a fire out here in the thin air. I was hoping to find something that glows in the dark……."

Na Yerin thought for a moment, and then held out her love sword, the Cold Jade Spirit, in front of Bi Ryuyeon's eyes.


With a beautiful sound, the sword was drawn. It was indeed the Bo Sword. As it emerged from its sheath, her sword began to glow in the darkness. It was a faint, cold white glow, like a snowy landscape in the dead of winter.

"Oooh, that's enough light, I've got a good lantern, I've never seen one this expensive before!"

Relying on the cold white light of her sword, Bi Ryuyeon examined every inch of the silk. If she got it wrong, it could cause her a lot of trouble later. She didn't want that. As she meticulously inspected every inch of the silk, a look of satisfaction appeared on her face.

"A luxury item is a luxury item, and you paid for it. I can't believe you survived that explosion unscathed!"

The golden lightning bolt felt like it was made to last. I was very fortunate that it didn't do any damage.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"Yeah, that's a good thing, because I was really worried about what would happen if it got hurt and dropped in value."

She seemed to have misunderstood something. Na Yerin corrected her.

"No, that's not what we're talking about. Thank goodness Confucius saved your life, a little late, but thank you."

Na Yerin bowed slightly in greeting. But the small space made it very uncomfortable.

"Whether or not it saved lives remains to be seen, because we're buried."

At Bi Ryuyeon's words, Na Yerin suddenly looked around. Na Yerin's complexion instantly darkened. She was right. Everywhere they looked was a pile of stones the size of a fist, and the space around them was barely enough for them to turn over and raise their upper bodies. It felt like they were trapped in a giant backwater.

"What do we do now?"

"We'll have to figure it out from here."

Bi Ryuyeon looked everywhere and scratched her head. But she couldn't think of a way out yet. The air around her was getting smaller and smaller. She had to think of something before it was all gone.

"How long will this air last? A week, three days, or a day?

There were no guarantees.

"Will we be rescued?"

"Well, that depends on how well the people left upstairs do. I hope they don't panic and flail around too much, because that's only going to make things worse."

A lot of things were going through her head.

'What are the disciples doing now…….'

For now, we had to wait and see.

"Hurry up with the rescue, hurry up with the rescue, hurry up with the rescue!"

The sound of protests came from outside the windows of Tianmujeon. The sounds had been coming since yesterday evening.

"Can't you do something to shut them up?"

Outside his office, hundreds of officials had gathered to protest. He was appalled that they were doing this in a state of emergency, something that wouldn't even happen in normal times.

The protesters, all wearing white hoods, had only one thing on their minds: to rescue the victims of the Hwanma-dong disaster as soon as possible. What was unusual was that most of the protesters were men. The protest was organized by the Bingbong Movie Guardians, who went into a frenzy as soon as they heard that their idol Na Yerin was involved in an accident.

The Bingfeng Film Guardians were not about to allow their idol to be imprisoned in an unknown place with an unknown creature. To them, she was already the light of the heavens, the bounty of the earth, the comfort of their hearts, the very life itself. That was the extent of their devotion. With a little exaggeration.

White braids tied around their foreheads signaled their steadfastness and determination. Classes were canceled and protests continued day and night.

This morning, a sleepless worker is said to have exclaimed.

"I can't help but be amazed that the discipline and adherence to the rules in our academy is this low. I can't sleep at night without hearing their protests, and I can't help but be bothered by them. What do you suggest we do with the damned bastards?"

For some reason, the vice lord was in charge of the demonstration, as the guardian overlord, the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen, who should have been the most enthusiastic about this, was almost half-asleep. It was unlikely that he would have been happy to have his nerves so frayed at a time when he was already struggling to keep the situation under control.

"The hakwan side, hurry up the rescue efforts, hurry up!"

Again, I heard protests through the window. It was the sound of a whip, telling me to go faster because I was working too slowly. Finally, there was an explosion of unheard Yeomdo.

"If you want to save Inomu so badly, go shovel snow, or stop skipping class, or I'll twist your head off!"

As a Yeomdo, it was an empty word spoken with conviction through a mixture of nervousness and irritation, but not to the marginalizer who was listening.

"Why didn't I think of that!

It was like being hit in the back of the head with a blunt object, but not with the terrible idea of twisting it off at the knees. Mazinger wasn't quite there yet.

"Let's dig in and see. If you're so keen on rescue efforts, tell them to get involved. If you have the power to protest, you have the power to rescue. We're understaffed and need a lot of workers, and that's great. Conduct the rescue operation!"

Mazinger's order was given.

"That child is like a niece to me, and if I lose her in this way, I shall never see her again, for his character is such that he might at once lead a band of warriors to come here!"

It wasn't as if he'd been injured during his training, and if he knew that his daughter, who was a celestial in the Heavenly Fear Realm, was uncertain of life or death, he would light up and turn the tables on him immediately. He knew Nie Bai Tian's extraordinary love for his daughter all too well, and he knew what had happened to his uncle for trying to do such a mean thing.

When it came to his daughter, he was an idiot father and a fierce adversary, and he knew how improbable and futile it was to expect his reason in this matter.

"I have to stop that at all costs.

Mazinger said to himself over and over again.

So a rescue team was organized, led by the Bingfeng Film Guardians and the male Guandos who sympathized with them. The first thing they had to do was shovel, because Hwanmadong had collapsed in the middle of the cascade. The situation was more serious than they thought, and shoveling was harder than they thought.

"Hey Hong, do you think Ryuyeon is okay?"

Hyo-ryong said in a worried tone. Hyo-Ryong still hadn't removed the bandage from his left shoulder, and beside him was Lee Jin-Seol, who was still wondering when they had made up.

It was an honorable injury, sustained while shielding her from a hail of falling rocks during the collapse of Hwanmadong. From then on, she cared for Hyo-ryong with the utmost devotion. Even though he was not dying. Lee Jin-sul's unusual behavior raised a lot of eyebrows. Some people thought she was making too much of a fuss over a simple broken bone, but she knew that she was responsible for the injury, and she couldn't allow it.

Yi Jinxue couldn't help but feel sorry for him, so any misunderstanding she had with Eunseolan had already flown away. She had already been touched beyond measure by Hyo-ryong's sacrificial spirit. It was very fortunate that his wounds had not ended in vain glory, and so he was able to pass safely through the first trial of the strange and esoteric game of love that was before him, but the problem with this strange, capricious, sudden, emotional, logical, and irrational game was that another gateway could pop up at any moment, and there could be no rhyme or reason to it, so one must never let one's guard down.

All things considered, if you can make peace with a woman who has misunderstood you and is pissed off at you for a broken left arm, you could say it was a bargain. Of course, I'd argue that I risked my life……….

Although she was overwhelmed by Hyo-ryong's sacrifice for her, her complexion was darkened by the fact that she didn't know if Nay-lin was alive or dead. Her eyes were red and bloodshot like rabbit eyes. Hyorong had just managed to calm down Lee Jin-sul, who was still sobbing nonstop. Many of the wounded were being treated in the medicine hall, and the frantic shoveling of the uninjured men continued in the collapsed hall.

All they could do was pray for their safety.

"I don't think he'll die so easily. If he was going to die, he'd have died long ago, and he'd be in there right now with the most beautiful woman in the world. Let's hope so."

Jang Hong said it without thinking, but it could be said that he was half right, like catching a mouse after a cow.

The main crew is back together.

"Will my big brother ever make it out of that hell?"

Namgungsang said. This was a question that the entire cast had.

"Is he alive? I mean, we've all been through the horrors in there, haven't we?"

Nohak's mind raced as if it were all over again. It was a nightmare he didn't want to relive. He was lucky to have made it back safely without getting caught in the chain reaction.

"Life is a precious commodity, and who can say for sure whether a person lives or dies? But no matter how much I think about it, the story of my godfather's death is no more believable than the story of a tadpole turning into a butterfly, no more believable than the story of a nasty old man doing community service, no more believable than the story of the Buddha committing suicide."

Was it my training? Hyun-woon was not afraid to make disrespectful remarks about his teacher. It's a good example of how easily one person can abandon a group of people.

"Still doesn't feel real to be dead, does it?"

Namgungsang asked.


Everyone nodded. Now, even Bi Ryuyeon's death did not give them credit.

Day 2 of burying!


Bi Ryuyeon held a single bean-sized monolith in front of her eyes, examining it up and down. It was the so-called revolutionary dietary supplement that promised to provide a full meal's worth of nutrition in a single pill. Its biggest advantage was that it was lightweight and compact, making it easy to carry around. They were often used as emergency food during long journeys or when training for the Closed Pavilion, but they were expensive to make and had a terrible taste. For Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin, a handful of wall buns was their only remaining lifeline.

"Do we have enough food?"

Food, Na Yerin asked, was the first priority in this isolated, extreme situation. It had to be checked and planned accordingly. They weren't as destitute as they'd feared, though; the academy had given them enough wall hanging and leather water bags to cover the possibility of getting lost before they moved in. She always carried a spare one with her. You never know when something might happen.

And he carried a lot of other things with him, but one of the most extraordinary things was a sleeping bag. When folded, it was about the size of a small stepladder, but when unfolded, it provided enough space for two people to sleep. It was also waterproof, windproof, and warm, so it was useful in many ways. It was a must-have for camping. It was a gift-if you can call it a gift-to Zhang Wuyang, the sovereign of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau.

It was a hassle, but not the worst thing that could happen. Nayarin was surprised by Bi Ryuyeon's unexpected preparedness.

"How did you think to prepare all that?"

She had a few pills and a bucket of water, but she hadn't been as thoroughly prepared as Bi Ryuyeon.

"It's a bit of a hassle to be prepared for any eventuality, but it never hurts. 'It's better to be a little hassle than to be killed for being unprepared!" says our vice master."

Bi Ryuyeon looked at her distinctly and said.

"What an unusual teacher you are."

Na Yerin had to agree that, judging by Bi Ryuyeon's words, she was no ordinary person.

First, she spread out a sleeping bag on the ground. The cold air was constantly rising from the ground, and it would be unhealthy to just lie on the ground.

The sleeping bag was fortunately for two people.

"Come on in."

Bi Ryuyeon said to Na Yerin casually. But Na Yerin hesitated. She was uncomfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with a strange man-even if it was just a sleeping bag.

Bi Ryuyeon looked at Na Yerin's hesitation and spoke up.

"This is an emergency, don't you think, and the situation is too extreme for manners or rules? Right now, we should be thinking about preserving our health and getting out of here somehow. In the face of life, the distinction between men and women is irrelevant."

The words were like liquid gold. Na Yerin didn't dare to retort.

"I see, I guess I was wrong about that, too."

After a moment's hesitation, Na Yerin slipped into her sleeping bag.

"No way!

Her eyes widened.

"That's interesting!"


Indeed, the sleeping bag was a marvelous thing. I didn't feel any of the cold that I had felt on my skin earlier. It even felt warm. It was obvious that it was something out of the ordinary.

Day 3 of burial!

"I didn't realize how handy it was to have a blank slate."

She was right, I could go for days and days without taking a sip of water. The existence of the qi that was said to be full of the Heaven, Earth, and Moon Star God, as well as the internal qi that I had cultivated and cultivated and cultivated, made it possible.

A single grain of wall gourd was enough to provide a day's stamina. There were 40 of them to begin with, enough to last 20 days if shared between two people. They had to make do until help arrived.

The hollow fiber helped me stay strong. In addition, the sleeping bag fabric kept me warm, which made it easier to stay fit. The biggest problem with living in such a small space was dealing with menstruation.

In fact, this was more of a priority than running out of food for the two of them. In such a small space, where a person could barely stand upright, there was nowhere for them to discreetly handle their physiology. Currently, the bio-flow was being regulated through the mu gong, but even that wasn't perfect.

But four days passed, five days passed, eight days passed, and no rescuers came. She had to think of another way.

Day 7 of burial!

As the days passed, the anxiety in Na Yerin's heart grew stronger and stronger. No wonder her anxiety grew as she waited and waited, but no one came to her rescue.

Ryu-yeon, on the other hand, was still a bit shy. I couldn't tell if she was being polite or immature.

"Are we going to die?"

Na Yerin said with a dark look.

"Do you see our death in those eyes?"

Instead of an answer, she asked a question. Her question was directed at the woman with the eyes to see the future.

"I don't know, it's all dark in front of me right now."

She shook her head from side to side.

"…If you can no longer find life worth living, you might as well die."

Na Yerin said in a dull voice. She was becoming more and more pessimistic, and that was never a good thing. At times like this, it was important to give her hope in life somehow.

"A person's destiny is what they make of it! And I think life is worth living once, because it's fun to live."

"Is that true?"

Na Yerin glanced at Bi Ryuyeon, and their gazes merged.

At this point, a brilliant idea popped into Bi Ryuyeon's head: he still had one trump left. In his mind, now was the time to bring it out.


Bi Ryuyeon was determined.

"Do you want me to give you something good?"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly.

"A good one?"

How could anything good come out of this? She couldn't figure it out.

"Yes! That's great."

Bi Ryuyeon replied, and held out a bucket of water in front of her.

"Isn't this just a bucket of water? I'm not thirsty right now."

The dew in the cave was enough to quench her thirst. Besides, if she drank too much water, she might lose control of her physiology, which she was forcibly controlling.

"Here, take it!"


Na Yerin reluctantly accepted the bucket of water from Bi Ryuyeon.


Her suspicions deepened, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't offer any further explanation.

Na Yerin unscrewed the stopper on the canteen he handed her, and a fragrant aroma wafted out, tantalizing to the nostrils. Na Yerin stared at Bi Ryuyeon in disbelief. Instead of water, the canteen contained liquor.

"Isn't this alcohol?"

Her eyes widened as she forced herself to take a sip at Bi Ryuyeon's insistence. The alcohol was obvious.

"Oh my God, what an accidental mistake, what a stupid thing to do……."

He tried to pass it off as a coincidence, but Na Yerin was convinced enough to bet that it had been done on purpose.

"That's against the rules."

I couldn't believe people were bringing alcohol to the exam.

"But now I, Sojae, am an accomplice, hahahaha!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.

"No… that's……."

Na Yerin started to make an excuse, but then stopped. It was ridiculous to even consider such a rule in this situation.

"I see, so it's pointless to even consider that now, does that make us accomplices?"

"Now we're accomplices."

Bi Ryuyeon nodded, looking amused. Then Na Yerin said.

"In that case, may I take another sip?"

"Sure. I'll keep your secret, don't worry, we're already accomplices, right?"

When Bi Ryuyeon handed her the flask disguised as a water bag again, Na Yerin took it and took another few sips. The current extreme situation was severe enough to make even the sharp-eyed Na Yerin seek out alcohol. A powerful alcoholic aura spread through her entire body.

She was surprisingly weak on alcohol. What's more, his liquor was sweet, drawing people in as they drank, and eventually intoxicating them.

Boom, boom, boom!

Again, Na Yerin sipped her drink like water.

"That… that!"

A pitiful sigh escaped Bi Ryuyeon's lips. She hadn't expected Na Yerin to drink to such an extent. I had just told her to drink lightly and relax…….

"It was an expensive thousand-day liquor that I secretly obtained……."

He'd gotten it by blackmailing Yeomdo the day before the exam. But it wasn't such a waste if his opponent was the most beautiful woman in the world, Na Yerin. She was beautiful enough that he didn't think it was a waste. That didn't mean she wasn't drunk. Sunflower wine was sweet, but it was also very strong. The name alone should give you an idea of how strong it is: one sip and you'll sleep for a thousand days. Neither the inner nor outer arts were of any use against it. Perhaps this extreme situation made her drunk even faster.

Her gunmetal eyes turned glassy. It was obvious she was drunk.

"Ryuyeon… Ryuyeon……."

As the seats were cramped, Na Yerin naturally fell into Bi Ryuyeon's arms. What's more, she didn't call him Confucius, she called him Ryuyeon. She was definitely drunk.

"Are we going to get out of this alive?"


Bi Ryuyeon quietly patted Na Yerin on the back. Suddenly, she felt like a teenage child.


"Sure. So rest easy, we'll survive, don't worry, we're never going to die here! We can't go to the other side without spending all the money we've earned, because apparently there's a different system of measuring value in the other side, so we have to spend what we earn in this world, and I can't just give up here, not when I've saved so much. I'm not of that weak minded spirit. "

The will to live gushed out of Bi Ryuyeon's entire body like a spring, and he was like a human being who knew neither giving up nor fear.

Na Yerin smiled broadly. The alcohol added warmth and brightness to her cold laugh. The inky darkness around her seemed to dissipate in an instant.

"It's a strange thing to say, but why is it reassuring, why……?"

Na Yerin closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Hoo hoo, apparently this drink has magical powers to melt ice."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled wryly as she looked at Na Yerin, who was sleeping against her shoulder.

"To life!"

He extended the flask toward the darkness, saluted, and took another sip. The flavor seemed to improve, and Bi Ryuyeon was pleased. The Shadow of Death was still too far away to strike him a blow.

Day 10 of burial!

Woojijik! Hududuk!

Their cozy home wasn't as safe as they thought. With each crack and fall of stone dust, they had to feel more and more insecure. It had already been 10 days since they had been living with this anxiety.

The crunch, crackle, crackle, and crackle of rock was never a welcome sound to hear.

"Isn't this going to break us?"

As the shaking in the cave intensified, Na Yerin couldn't seem to shake her anxiety.

Seeing Na Yerin's growing anxiety, Bi Ryuyeon decided to tell her the last resort she had been thinking about for a while.

"Would you like to entrust me with your life?"


"Do you have any good numbers?"

"I've been thinking about something since yesterday: I'd rather leave my life in the hands of the heavens and have an adventure than stay here and be crushed to death."

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon with the eyes of a night sky.

"This guy is serious now!

She could feel it easily.

"Okay, you saved my life once, let's trust you one more time."

Na Yerin nodded.

"Okay, Ryuyeon, my life is yours for a while from now."

She didn't even ask, "How?

In the past ten days, their relationship had changed a lot, and one of the things that had changed was that Na Yerin had grown to trust her deeply, even though she didn't say much about her. Because of the small space and only one sleeping bag, she often woke up with her face pressed against Bi Ryuyeon's chest, even if she was sleeping correctly. Sometimes she was very embarrassed, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't say anything about it, which reassured her. If she had kept bringing it up and teasing her about it, it would have made their relationship even more awkward. Ryu-yeon's choice was a good one.

Na Yerin marveled at the fact that she had developed feelings of trust for Bi Ryuyeon, which was an incredible miracle.

How could I harbor such a noble sentiment of trust in a man who seemed so uncertain, so irresponsible, so selfish at times!

The other biggest change was that they suddenly found themselves calling each other by their first names. The year-long gap was no hindrance to the two of them as they went through life and death situations together.

'I've sent my chi to the wall over there, and I'm sure it's only a short distance away! The air is thin, and there's no hope of rescue. We'd be wise to find our own way out rather than wait for a rescue party that's slower than a slug! This is the only option left! I don't gamble with my life unless I know I'm going to win… but this is an exception!

Bi Ryuyeon began to bring his qi and spirit together. A tremendous aura emanated from his body as he raised his Thunder Spirit Divine Skill to its peak. His mind came together to form a heavenly sharp sword. It sliced through the walls that blocked his vision and opened up a new path for him.

Na Yerin looked at Bi Ryuyeon in amazement. A tremendous amount of energy began to focus on the tip of Bi Ryuyeon's fist, a vortex of energy forming at the tip of his fist. Finally, a golden flash of light began to flicker in Bi Ryuyeon's eyes.



The rock wall shattered as if it had been sliced by Bi Ryuyeon's fist.


Bi Ryuyeon's eyes shone. There was a definite feeling, a sense that there was an empty space behind that wall.


No matter how careful they were, there was no way this precarious burial place could have withstood the impact of a wall shattering. Bi Ryuyeon quickly wrapped her arms around Na Yerin's waist and dove toward the spot where she had thrown her fist.


With a thunderous roar, the space they'd been living in for 10 days collapsed all at once.

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