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Book 10 Chapter 16

Wei Zichen's Rampage

- Searing Black Flame of Jealousy

"No… I'm Sojae… No. Why are you showing that smile to him?

Such a brilliant smile that he never showed me. Why would you give that bastard……."

Yu Zichen had been secretly watching the two of them since the moment Na Yerin embraced Bi Ryuyeon. It was both his good fortune and misfortune. The black flames of unbearable jealousy burned in Wei Zichen's chest, and he felt as if his heart was being torn into a thousand pieces. He wanted to tear Bi Ryuyeon, who was flirting in front of him right now, to pieces. A terrible killing intent surged from his eyes.

"If you… die… if you die… if you die… if you're not in this world… I can make that smile mine… mine……."

That remained to be seen, but his brilliance had long since become as cloudy as the dregs of a gutter. Wei Zichen had already been driven mad by jealousy, his eyes clouded, his ears thinned, and his heart blackened. He had already been corrupted to the point where he could not even distinguish between the good and bad of his actions, and he was displaying the height of foolishness. Moreover, he was now blinded by jealousy. He drew another trick from his bag of tricks.

There was one other trick left in Wei Zichen's bag of tricks, an object that the man had given him after he had given it to him, with the explanation that it was just in case. It was a tremendously explosive item called the Salt Thunderbolt, which was currently banned from use in the Martial Realm. Even Wei Zichen was reluctant to use it. He had hoped that he would be able to finish him off with the Rain God Needle alone, but that hope had long since been dashed.

Seeing Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin's affectionate - albeit extremely personal - behavior once again, Wei Zichen finally lost it. His ability to discern his actions had already been completely paralyzed.

This state of rational paralysis, caused by his "weirdly amplified imagination" interpreting events as he pleased, lasted until he finally finished adjusting the dangerous thing called the salt spigot. The spigot had already been turned off by the time he and Na Yerin were talking about the Five Sundays.

Wei Zichen picked up a stone lying beside him and threw it toward the other side of the curved passage. The stone spiraled soundlessly and landed inside the curved passage on the other side of the cave.


The sound echoed as boulders crashed against the cave walls.

"What do you mean?"

The sudden sound made Na Yerin jump.

"I'm sure it's nothing, let me go find out!"

Bi Ryuyeon stood up from her seat and cautiously walked toward the aisle where the sound had come from. Finally, the gap between them had been closed.


Seeing that Bi Ryuyeon and Na Yerin had gained some distance, Wei Zichen pressed the time limit device on the Salt Thunderbolt with a maniacal gaze. Smoke leaked out through the seams of the black sphere. It was evidence that the wick inside was burning.

I felt much better knowing that I was at least some distance away from Na Yerin. It was a safe enough distance.

Seeing Na Yerin and Bi Ryuyeon laughing and crying, Wei Zichen didn't think twice and threw the Salt Thunderbolt with all his might.

Tap, tap, tap…….

Flying in a graceful parabola, it rolled across the ground and stopped at Bi Ryuyeon's feet.


Wei Zichen shouted and ran toward Na Yerin, his shout ringing loudly in her ears, but it was an electromagnetic sound that only Na Yerin could hear. He intended to pull her safely out of range before the salt thunderbolt exploded. Of course, behind his quick thinking was the shallow calculation that by doing so, he would save Na Yerin's life and be rewarded handsomely. But things don't always go his way!

Na Yerin's gaze shifted to the Wei Zichen rushing toward her, or rather, to the grenade rolling on the ground, smoke seeping through the seams and the shape of it, and she instantly remembered that this was a very dangerous weapon, one that was rarely used in strongholds.


Wei Zichen was stunned. Just as he was about to grab Na Yerin's hand, her hand slyly moved and shook off his arm.

"Me Sojae!"

Wei Zichen urgently called out to her. But Na Yerin didn't even look at him. Without hesitation, Na Yerin ran toward Bi Ryuyeon. Her speed was like the wind. It was a fatal miscalculation on Wei Zichen's part.


Na Yerin shouted. Biyou and Nayarin's bodies tangled together, and at that moment!


An all-encompassing white flash of sunlight burst forth, followed by a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the cavern.

Woof, woof, woof!

Wei Zichen was stunned by the unimaginable power of the Salt Thunderbolt. The explosive power was not just enough to blow away a single flame.

Boom! Koo-koo-koo-koo! Koo-koo-koo! Koo-koo-koo!

A chain of collapse has begun centered on the epicenter of the explosion. The Hwanmadong is unable to withstand the force of the explosion and is collapsing.

Wei Zichen had to get out of the way. If he didn't want to be crushed to death by the falling rocks, he had to run desperately.

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discord ko-fi