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Book 10 Chapter 14

Flying God Needle (飛凰神針)

'That… that guy is…….'

Yu Zichen sighed inwardly.

"I finally found it.

He continued to wade through the blood for over half an hour before finally finding his target.

He had heard that the medicinal properties of the Protective Heart Marble could only last for a short period of time, so he was nervous about what would happen if he couldn't find Bi Ryuyeon. However, with the blessing of the Heaven and Earth Gods, he was able to locate Bi Ryuyeon within a limited time frame. He carried a single Night Light Pearl in his hand. He had given it to the man, saying that he would need it. True to his word, it came in very handy.

"And receive this!"

He held out another pill. It was a silvery cylinder that didn't look like anything special.

"What is this?"

At first glance, it didn't look like much. In response to Wei Zichen's question, the man smiled sinisterly.

"Power, just what you want!"


Wei Zichen's gaze at the cylinder changed drastically. His cold eyes suddenly became as bright as the stars in the night sky. His hands trembled slightly with tension, excitement, and a hint of fear as he brought them closer to the cylinder.

"It's called the Bihuang Divine Needle. It's a monstrous object that's only surpassed by the Wall Power Divine Needle, one of the Seven Great Forbidden Secret Techniques of the Sichuan Tang Family!"

"Rice… wall power!"

Feng Yue had heard of the Sichuan Tang family's tax-cutting mantra, the Wall Power Divine Tradition. It was a memorization within a memorization, a memorization so terrifying in its power that the Sichuan masters themselves had forbidden its use, saying that it would leave no human form when used on an individual, and that it was not impossible for it to annihilate hundreds of people at once.

However, the man had proclaimed that this item was in no way inferior to it. Wei Zichen carefully aimed the Nether Divine Needle at Bi Ryuyeon. His aim was perfect. He was talking to no one in particular, so she hadn't noticed his actions at all. Right now, Wei Zichen's heart was filled with a sense of mission to eliminate the pest that was bothering her, so there wasn't much hesitation in his decision.


Wei Zichen pressed the launcher toward Bi Ryuyeon with a maniacal gaze.


Thousands of silvery beams of light poured down on the rain clouds like a torrential downpour.


In an instant, a wild and unruly storm centered on Bi Ryuyeon.





The entire cavern roared fiercely. The cave shook violently, as if it might collapse.


A wind as ferocious as the dragon's wings swept through the winding maze of Hwanmadong.


Nowhere was left untouched by the wind's wild dance. Moreover, the roar that bounced off the walls of the cave was even more disturbing. It seemed as if the cave would collapse at any moment, adding to their fear. Even Hyo-ryong and Lee Jin-sul couldn't escape the fierce winds.



It was Iinsul who screamed in pleasure. The gusts of wind that whipped through the cave had the power to flip her skirt up in one fell swoop.


Hyorong's eyes widened in horror. The gust of wind was violent enough to sweep everything away in an instant.


Lee Jin-sul asked with a sour expression.

"I'm… I'm… I'm… I'm… I'm……."

Hyo-ryong had to come up with a plausible lie quickly, which was a difficult task.

"Chet, was it fake after all?"

Now standing in the center of the slowly subsiding typhoon, Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself. She looked around, but there was no sign of her master. Perhaps she was right.

"Has the line between reality and fantasy been blurred?"

But even if what you're seeing is an illusion, you shouldn't let your guard down. These were dangerous visions because they could be so real and vivid that even real beings could be harmed by them. There have been cases of people who have been hypnotized into seeing their hands on fire and then actually burned their hands, so these are dangerous illusions.

"At least it's not real."

If it were real, it wouldn't have ended like this.

"You can't be dragged along like a cow to the slaughter."

In order to do so, he would need to gain the power of the Thunder God.

"By all means!"

He walked toward the exit again, but alas, it was so dark all around him that he couldn't see the slender silver needles densely embedded in the cave walls. They were tiny, barely visible even in the sunlight.

"Is that… is that a ghost……."

How could he be unharmed after sending out thousands of silver needles at once? Wei Zichen looked at the killing weapon in his hand, the Rain Huang Divine Needle. However, it was now an empty shell that had spit out all of its teeth. How could he be so unscathed by this demonic memorization?

As he pressed the trigger, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew out of the Biryu Yan. It was so powerful that the thousands of silver needles he had sent flying were forced to correct their trajectories under the influence of the wind. When the wind died down and he could see again, he had to despair at the sight of the unharmed Bi Ryuyeon.

"How can this be……. Is he some kind of monster?"

He was devastated.

"I must kill him, I must, at all costs!"

Somehow, I had an ominous feeling that if I didn't kill her this time, I wouldn't get another chance.

"I have to kill him, I have to kill him!"

Wei Zichen was like a man out of his mind.

But he still had one more chance, and it was his last.

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discord ko-fi