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Book 10 Chapter 12

Mo Yonghui vs. Sword Saint

'I'm sorry, but you can't go in!

It was only natural. She didn't feel like complaining about it.

Because she's not a white person over here, she's a black person…….

There was no way she could access the visions of the other sects, so she could only wait outside the hall, praying for their safety. Her mind was racing, her worries piling up, but there was only one thing she could do: wait in silence.

"Is everyone okay……."

I was so worried that my tea didn't taste right. I couldn't even tell if the tea leaves were steeped in the right temperature water.

Her head was now filled with worries about her acquaintances. And Mo Yonghui's hesitant look from yesterday also bothered her for some reason. Judging from her intuition, he had definitely had something to say to her yesterday, but the opportunity had passed while she was hesitating, and he had finally turned away without saying anything.

'Should I have caught him then…….'

But it didn't.

"Whew! I hope you're okay……."

Recently, Mo Yonghui hasn't been as responsive as she used to be, which makes her a little difficult to deal with, but she's still worried.

Bi Ryuyeon, Na Yerin, Mo Yong-hwi… and Hyo-ryong! One by one, she pictured them in her mind.

"I hope everyone is okay."

It may seem strange that a black man would be concerned about the well-being of a white man, but it didn't matter to her. As a human being, there are things that take precedence over affiliation and origin. Who can say for sure that it is right to constantly hate and hate people just because they are different from you, just because they are different from you, just because they have different ideas?

She cared about them as individuals, as human beings. But it was a shame that all she could do was wish them luck.

"Come on, guys."

She muttered quietly and sipped her tea out of habit.

The tea tasted bitter.


Mo Yonghui stopped in his tracks when he heard a benevolent voice behind him. The voice contained an intangible power that captivated people, but it also contained affection for Mo Yonghui.

"No way!

Mo Yonghui looked back in disbelief, his eyes wide open. He had snow-white hair and a beard that stretched to his chest! But his skin was glowing, full of youth and vitality, and his eyes, which were as deep as the abyss, were so clear as to be devoid of any trace of fraud. His whole body was clothed in a white robe that seemed to be woven from threads plucked from clean snow.


Mo Yonghui shouted. The old man of the Shenfeng Island was none other than the Sword Saint Mo Yongzhengtian. The reason why Mo Yonghui had always insisted on wearing only snow-white robes was definitely due to the influence of the Sword Sect.

"This is Eoin Ilo……."

Mo Yonghui couldn't help but wonder, why was his grandfather, who was supposed to be in Sega, here now?

At Mo Yonghui's question, Gongsheng smiled benevolently.

"Heh, heh, heh. You seem to be getting better."

"You're too kind."

Mo Yonghui was humbled. However, he felt very good. How many people in the current powerhouse could receive such praise from a sword saint!

"Hehehe. Humility, boy, humility. So now you think you can outwit me?"

Gongsheng smiled benevolently and asked a question, but the content was devastating. Mo Yonghui was dumbfounded by Gongsheng's casual question.

"At some point, I'm going to have to move on."

Yonghui Mo replied.

His grandfather was his god and idol, but he was also the biggest obstacle he would one day have to overcome. Every man instinctively longs to surpass his father. In Mo Yonghui's case, it was not his father, but his grandfather.

The name of the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng Tian was a glorious honor that made the Mo Yong Clan the greatest of the Eight Great Clans, but for the Mo Yong Clan bloodline within its great shadow, it was an equally heavy burden and a great wall. An indelible shadow, an indelible wall, a wall that cannot be crossed! Although it was warm inside the shadow, some people often felt stifled.

However, there was one person in particular who was determined to surpass the exalted reputation of the sword, albeit with the caveat that it would be someday.

"Hehehe, some day……. You are the only one in the whole wide world who has ever dared to hope to surpass me. Even your father never dared to hope to surpass Nobu, even when he was as young and ambitious as you."

"Does that mean my meaning is wrong?"

Yonghui Mo asked.

"Heh, heh, heh! That's not possible, is it? Only those who are determined to outwit the strong are truly strong, truly untouchable. You have said what must be said. There is no such thing as complacency for a mighty martial artist. Just as there is no end to the path of the sword."

Mo Yonghui inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't even realized why Sword Castle was here, because the power of the Phantom Demon had completely enveloped him.

"Then let's see what you're made of, shall we?"

He took out a branch from an unknown source, and it was enough to defeat the mighty Mo Yonghui. Apparently, as he grew older, he suddenly missed his grandson's antics.

'This, this… I'm pretty sure this has happened before…….'

Suddenly, he was seized with a strange feeling. It was something he had experienced once before.

'Yes. It's exactly the same situation as the last time I fought my grandfather before I left for the Heavenly Martial Academy.''

This was definitely the case that day, and…….

And then, with no excuses, he was defeated. It was literally a complete defeat, and it was a tremendous shock to him, who was already highly regarded at the time. Even though his opponent was the revered grandfather of the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng, he hadn't expected to be so thoroughly defeated without being able to mount a single counterattack. Indeed, the walls of the Heavenly Martial Realm were high.

"But why is that day repeating itself in front of me now?

Moreover, this feeling he was feeling now was the same intense pressure he had felt in front of the sword castle that day. It was as if his body was being crushed by a ten-thousand-muscle megalith!

The phantom dong was a kind of mirror. It reflects the dark desires and wounds deep within people's consciousness and presents them to themselves as illusions, which is why they feel so disconnected from reality.

"Heh heh heh."

The mere act of holding up a branch caused Mo Yonghui to feel a tremendous amount of pressure. It was as if a thousand zhang dai were standing in his way, and I was like a high mountain that even birds couldn't fly over and had to rest their wings in the middle. For such a grandfather, how much respect he had for him! The respect that Mo Yonghui had now was apocryphal.

"What was the outcome of the day?

The result was not very encouraging. Mo Yonghui was ultimately unable to overcome Gongsheng's branches, and his sharp sword, which was clearly a naturally occurring plant, highly resistant to fire, and guaranteed to be weaker than steel, was swung in ways that put the term Heavenly Master Sword to shame. Mo Yonghui's succession of swords, which were constantly changing, were also blocked with a light flick of his hand.

Of course, Mo Yong-sheng created a new stream, the Galactic Stream, which was the pinnacle of the Household Martial Arts and surpassed it. Only those who had reached the pinnacle of one aspect could create a new stream. Only those who had attained the Tao were qualified to walk the new path.

That day, Mo Yonghui was unable to break the twig sword in Swordsung's hand, and his body was covered in sweat as a reward for his futile efforts. Mo Yonghui had to breathe heavily in frustration.

'You're still a long way off…….'

He beat himself up. The mountain he was about to climb seemed even higher.

But he was not scolded for his lack of learning. He had only slightly wounded the tip of the branch in his grasp, the result of unleashing the Galactic Meteor Sword's arcane spleen herb, the Meteor Shattering Heavenly Seal, with all his might. It was all Mo Yonghui had accomplished that day. He didn't hear his grandfather's rebuke.

"Hehehe, you've learned a lot since you touched Nobu's sword."

Instead, she praised his skill. That alone seemed to satisfy him.

"This time, this time, this time!

The reminiscing is over. Now was the real beginning. Mo Yonghui repaired his sword and held it with the indomitable determination that this time he would repay his debt, that he would break the branch sword.

"Ha-ha! Galactic Meteor Full Sky!"

A meteor-like sword qi streaked toward the sword star.

He leaped toward the wall he was supposed to jump over. The first attempt failed. So what about the second attempt……?

There was a colorful explosion of light.


'Was it too much yet…….'

Mo Yonghui drew in a ragged breath.

I poured all my energy into it, but it didn't make any difference. The sword now felt heavy in his hand. He poured out all of his Qi, but the sword didn't budge at all. It was as if an invisible shield surrounded his entire body. Mo Yonghui decided to use the best cultivation technique he had been taught by Sword Sheng.

"Can you surpass me with the rudiments you have learned from me?"

Mo Yonghui was dumbfounded by Gongsheng's words. But he had no other choice.

"Let's go then."

"Come on!"

Galactic Stream Opening Sword

Extreme Misunderstanding

Galactic Annihilation (銀河滅滅)

Suddenly, a bright beam of light stretched out from the tip of Mo Yonghui's sword, illuminating the darkened hall. The sword Qi drove away the darkness and shone brightly in all directions.

No matter how old he was, he didn't want to lose. He charged toward the sword castle with all his might, sending out dazzling sword Qi in all directions. He was now focusing all his energy on breaking through his grandfather's afterimage.

The dozens of meteors that flew toward him were intercepted by the branch he swung and fell to the ground. It was only a branch, but in his hands, it possessed a power that would be the envy of any recruit.


Just as his defenses were about to be undone, Mo Yonghui leaped once more and dug in for the kill. This wasn't the first time he'd seen her.


Mo Yonghui's final eclipse snapped off a few branches of the sword castle. His sword had finally pierced the wall of the sword castle, albeit slightly. But for Mo Yonghui, this was a huge step, and he wanted to shout with joy.

"Grandpa! …huh?"

By the time Mo Yonghui rejoiced and found Gongsheng, Gongsheng's shadow had disappeared everywhere.

Mo was devastated.

"What are you so devastated about?"

Mo Yonghui's head snapped around at the sound of a very familiar voice.

"This… this can't be……."

Mo Yonghui was so confused; there was no reason for the voice to be here, and there shouldn't be. Suddenly, as soon as the figure of the swordsman disappeared, it was Eunseulan who appeared. In this darkness, her beauty shone even more brightly. It was as if she was from another world!

"It's beautiful.

Mo Yonghui sincerely thought so for a moment. Perhaps no one could argue against his opinion.

Mo Yonghui suddenly felt tight in his chest, out of breath, his heart beating furiously, and he couldn't speak properly.

"Ugh… silver Sojae… why… no how did it get here?

There was no way she could have come here as an investigator from the Black Isles. Instead of answering, she smiled broadly. It was almost as if she had cheated him.

Thump, thump, thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Mo Yonghui's heart began to beat frantically and irregularly. The speed of his blood was increasing, and the heat on his face was rising.

Decades of studying martial arts had taught him how to control his body, its physiology, and all of its sensations, but at this moment, all of those lessons were useless.

With each step she took, a sweet, ecstatic scent tickled his nose. Sweet enough to melt his mind and brain… the scent of a woman so ripe!

Her face, so close, was now almost touching his.


Saliva trickled down his throat. His body became tense and nervous, even more so than when he'd met his life-and-death enemy, even more so than when he'd been pressed up against the swordsman's airway just moments ago.

"Ugh… that's Sojae……."

Hearing Mo Yonghui's call, she smiled like a flower in full bloom. Then she said.

"I hate you!"


For a moment, Mo Yonghui didn't understand what she had said. Kindly, she repeated her words back to him without hesitation.

"I hate you, you're boring, you're not funny, you make me angry to watch, I hate you so much, so much, so much, so much, you're an asshole!"

Mo Yonghui suddenly shuddered as if he had been struck by lightning. Her words were like celestial force to him. His heart ached as if it had been pierced.

She said sarcastically.

"Besides, you're a member of a political faction, and I'm the matriarch of a sneaky sect, so how can we ever get along?"

"What do you mean, what does it matter where you come from, whether you're a Democrat or Republican, none of that matters?"

Mo Yonghui was honestly surprised by his own words: it was he, not anyone else, who was most tied to and influenced by his background.

"Ho-ho, wasn't it Mo Yong Confucius himself who was most deeply entangled in the notion of justice and death?"

Her words became sharp daggers, digging into Mo Yonghui's heart. Despite her cold cynicism, Mo Yonghui had nothing to say back. If he couldn't stand up for himself, how could he stand up for others. Mo Yonghui wasn't that ironclad.

"This, that, and the other, with dozens of conditions, and you still manage to have a relationship, Mo Yong Confucius. You naive one, ho ho ho ho."

She laughed. It was like she was laughing at herself.

"Is he chastising me for being trapped by circumstances and not being able to do what I want?

Mo Yonghui's heart was breaking.

"If you can't give up everything you are, if you don't have the courage to do so, it's not love. You can't expect a woman to fit you one-sidedly. You can't expect circumstances to always be favorable. There are trillions of lives in this world, so how can their relationships all be smooth sailing? Love is a process of two people fitting together. If you don't have the courage to change yourself, you don't deserve to be loved. Do you think love is a one-way street? If you do, you're mistaken. That's just obsession, not love. It's just a vain obsession and ugly desire masquerading as love. Don't deceive yourself and others with that. Be prepared to change yourself first. If you don't have the courage to do that, then just walk away, that's how it ends cleanly, not messy."

He listened to her in silence. Her words were poignant from beginning to end. "Love is not a one-way street!" Those words lingered in his mind.

When she was finished, Mo Yonghui knew that he was extremely interested in her. He realized that he was in love with her. It was the kind of first love that is most likely to fail.


He had no response, no excuse. He was suddenly overwhelmingly ashamed of himself. He felt like a hypocrite. He didn't dare look her in the face.


A tear rolled down her cheek.

Throbbing, my chest felt like it was being sliced open.

With a wistful smile on her face, she walked away, tears like the dew of the stars she had seen that day.

"Silver Sojae!"

Mo Yonghui chased after her, trying to catch her, but he could not close the distance between him and her. Finally, like the crumbling of silver dust, her figure disappeared from his sight. It was like a midsummer night's dream.

Before he knew it, he realized he was standing somewhere in a cave. Suddenly, the world looked different.

"Am I in love?

It was unexpected, even for him.

"What am I supposed to do with this? How do I do this?

His head ached like it was going to break, and yet there was no pointed solution; his emotions wandered inside his mind, unable to find an outlet.

Her theory that love has nothing to do with ideology, origin, or affiliation may be an ideal. After all, the walls of reality are so high, and reality is so unnatural and cold.

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