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Book 1 Chapter 21

Return of the 16 Warriors

The shroud of darkness that feels like it could fall to the ground at any moment can be lifted with the help of the

A sea of silver stars. If you keep looking at it, you'll see

It was a beautiful sight that brought tears to my eyes.

Beneath this beautiful cosmic mystery, a river of stars [星河] runs across

There was a man gazing longingly into the black silk of the earth.

Sitting in a posture that says "I'm bored," the young man is lost in endless thoughts. With an unreadable expression on his face, the young man continues to stare blankly at the night sky.

"The stars are so beautiful. What are you thinking about so deeply, Confucius of the Southern Palace?"

Recognizing the owner of the sweet voice that carried on the wind, Namgung Sang turned around in surprise. Blessings of the Night. Beneath the River of Stars, a Qinling stood in the beautiful moonlight. Standing there in the moonlight, with the heavens and earth behind her, she was so dazzling that one could almost mistake her for an earthly fairy. For a moment, he couldn't help but stare in ecstasy at her. Her beauty, like that of a heavenly maiden, was not of this world, and the more so, the more endlessly it mesmerized him.

"Ah, Gene Sojae. I can't sleep because I'm thinking about how I'm going to have to leave this place tomorrow."

"Ohhhhh, actually, so am I. It's weird, isn't it? I've had a lot of hardships and few good things happen to me, and I've always wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, but now that I'm leaving tomorrow, it doesn't seem real. I can't sleep, so I came out to see the stars……. Confucius of the Southern Palace beat me to the punch and is sitting down."

Qin Lie smiled broadly and spoke in a low voice. Her smile was directed at him, and Namgung Sang could feel his heart stirring and his face flushing. The woman who had stolen his heart for the first time in his life was now sending him a smile that belonged to him, for him, and by him.

Her smile made his chest heave violently. To think that here he was, in the dead of night, in a river of brilliant stars, under the light of a full moon, conversing with the woman he so deeply desired, made his whole body tense, his tongue clench, and his whole being feel paralyzed, as if even his soul were in bondage to her touch.

The next moment, a thunderous bang, crackle, and a loud alarm sounded from the head of the South Palace. He didn't immediately realize what had happened. It was too sudden and too ecstatic for that.

For she, the spirit, sat down beside him. As she pressed her slender, deluded body against his……. This was a clear provocation. Something hot welled up from the depths of her heart, becoming a torrent and flooding her entire body. It was a whirlwind of uncontrollable emotions. Sitting beside him with an innocent look on her face that said she knew nothing of his feelings, Qin Lie was still gazing at the beautiful stars.

"It's like black silk embroidered with jewels, and with such a clear night sky, the weather must be great tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah, I see."

A pensive Namgungsang. It didn't change that he was still Sookmyeon. He was still lacking in the acquisition and learning of the word progress.

"Hey, are your wounds okay?"

He thought back to the wound he'd received from the white tiger's claws while defending himself from the last time they'd met in the forest. It had been months, and while the wound had healed, it was still quite deep, and he worried that there might be other after-effects.

"Wounded? Yes, I'm fine……click!"

The majestic sound of the Southern Palace's shouting ceased, unfinished. At the same time, he stopped breathing. This is not to say that Nan Gongsang was attacked by Qin Lie. But the way she gently stroked his wounded back with her slender hand could have been the difference between life and death. Her beautiful, slender jade hand could have been more frightening to him than any other weapon. Needless to say, he couldn't breathe.

His entire body was rigid, and his eyes didn't even flicker. His breathing had slowed to a crawl, and now only faint gasps could be heard. His face felt hot from the blood rushing to his face from his excitement.

"Uh, what does this feel like?

He felt a light touch on his right shoulder, a feeling of ecstatic joy rising from deep within his chest. Qin Lie leaned his head against the Southern Archon's shoulder. For what seemed like an eternity, the two remained in this position, not a word spoken. Only silence filled the air between them.

"I really appreciated it at the time."

The scales of silence tipped in her favor, and she whispered in a sweet voice. I was grateful then…….

"Oh, no, I did what I was supposed to do."

Her voice was so sweet that Namgungsang couldn't help but be flustered.

"Even so, the Confucius of the Southern Palace is my lifesaver."

"No, Jin, the real lifesaver is the Master. It was he who defeated the white tiger."

Perhaps because of his pure nature, Namgungsang told the truth without trying to take credit for it. By giving himself credit for life and not trying to impress the spirit, he shows that he is an honest and upright man who cannot be fooled.

"However, it was Confucius of the Southern Palace who protected me from real danger, and because of that, he got a scar on his back……."

Her smile and words were so gentle to him, so sweet and sweeter than anything else in the world.

"Don't worry, it's no big deal, there's no sign of it now."

But this was a lie. There were still three long, deep gash marks on his back, torn by the white tiger's claws. It would probably never heal. But he was proud of it. He had earned it by defending the woman he loved. And he didn't want to hurt her by telling her that the scars on his back would last a lifetime.

"Whoa, you're lying, it's that clear."

Again, Qin Lie gently stroked Nan Gongsheng's back. The wound was deep enough that he could feel it through the thin fabric of his clothes. He knew better than anyone that this was not a light wound that would heal quickly. It was a scar he would carry on his back for the rest of his life, a scar that would never be erased. The fact that it had been inflicted while trying to protect himself made it all the more heartbreaking.

"Confucius of the Southern Palace."

In a quiet voice, Najik called out to her.


Nan Gongsang replied in a quiet voice, a calm, quiet voice that brought comfort to the listener. Everyone fell silent, and a calm stillness settled around them.

"Will you protect me the next time something like that happens?"


In a very calm, quiet, but confident voice, Namgungsang said.


"Yes, over and over again."

"For life?"

The Southern Palace Priestess looked at the Qinling with astonishment. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight, deep and beautiful. Her black pupils, filled with abyssal light, captivated his heart with their endless depth and beauty. It was a mesmerizing gaze that could mesmerize anyone. There must not be a man in this world who would not be mesmerized by her eyes, he thought.

"I will protect you forever, even to the end of my days."

It was a calm, quiet voice with a hint of determination, and the Namgung Prize silently captured her lips in a covenant of oaths. It was a truly ecstatic experience. For a moment, his mind went blank, white as a sheet of paper, and then he felt a soft, warm sensation that began with his lips and spread throughout his body. Namgungsang let go of his barely held grip, intoxicated by the sweetness that was sending him into ecstasy. It was their first kiss.

A moment later, Namgung Sang came to, his lips still pressed to hers, his left hand cradling the nape of her white neck, and his right wrapped around her waist in a crushing embrace, but he hadn't crossed the line yet.

Even as he held her in his arms, she didn't resist. When he finally came to his senses and realized what was going on, he pulled his lips and hands away in anger, then turned away from Qin Lie with a grim face. As he sat back down, Qin Lie pressed his back against hers. Her body heat radiated off his back.

There was silence again. But not for long. This time, the scales of silence tipped in his favor, and he moved, but without speaking, gently taking her hand. If the phrase "tortoiseshell hand" were to take shape, it would be her hand. The softness and warmth of it was a feeling that words could not easily describe. The two of them were still sitting on their backs, savoring each other's body heat as the stars set in. A warmth that warms the heart.

The members of Jujak were all staring blankly at the pale blue sky, letting out short sighs with blank faces. For some reason, it was hard to tell if they had gotten a good night's sleep because they were all yawning and blinking back tears. Sixteen virgin bachelors, staring blankly at the blue sky on a bright day, and no one but themselves knew what they were thinking. There were two things they had in common: they all had a blank, dreamy look on their faces, and they all had dark circles under their eyes. There was only one reason for this behavior.

"Didn't you sleep last night?"

Bi Ryuyeon slowly looked around at her disciples.

"Well, you have no reason to be sleepless with grief at the loss of such a wonderful and revered master, then, Am."

She nodded her head in agreement. But all of them only yawned in agreement, without expressing any affirmation of her words. Feeling a bit ridiculous and even a bit pathetic, she smiled meaningfully at them.

"So, what did everyone think?"

A brief moment of silence. No one said a word about what they were thinking.

"Ha, he's finally……."

Taoist Hyun-woon, a close friend of the Southern Palace, wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Alas, when am I going to do it?"

As if on cue, Dang Chul-young spoke up.

"We haven't gone to the point of no return, so what the heck……."

Qing Shui, the disciple of the Qing Sheng Sect, said in a wistful tone.

"If you go, you go," he said, "and beggars can't be choosers?"

It's something I'd like to try at least once, said the old man with a look on his face. His job as a beggar made it difficult for him to have such romance. But inwardly, he resolved that he would try it someday.

"Gosh, I'm embarrassed."

It came from beside Nohak. Hwa Seol-young, who grew up in a volcano smelling of plum blossoms, blushed as red as plum petals.

"Sweet or sour?"

The carpenter looked intrigued. She was curious.

"Someone should try that."


Raven-haired Shaolin T'ang Zhong remained silent. He was a man of few words.

"I'd like to try it, too……."

Huang Bo's wife, Ye Xiu, questioned whether she was spitting out words without knowing what they meant.

"Oh, so me and……."


The old man's eyes widened.

"With that skill, it must be the first time."

Well," said Geum Young-ho with an uncharacteristically serious expression, like someone discussing a serious matter.

"Oh my gosh. I hope it's someone."

The carpenter said.

"If I were you, I would have just pressed……."

The eldest son of the Gold Clan jumped up and down, clutching his instep. Beside him, Namgung Sansan glared at him with her axe-eyes, and it was she who had taken his instep so mercilessly and relentlessly.

The faces of Nan Gongsang and Qin Ling as they listened to their colleagues describe what they had seen was a sight to behold. Like ripe safflower, they were red and flushed, like molten iron waiting to be turned into a sword. He couldn't help but stomp his feet, his expression expressing a longing to crawl into a rat hole and hide.

"These, dude!"

After watching them for a few moments, Bi Ryuyeon stopped laughing and exclaimed, "What are you doing?

"What are you guys doing, not honoring the master, fussing. What did you all do last night without sleeping? You all have circles under your eyes, tsk, tsk, tsk."

Bi Ryuyeon pursed her lips with a stern expression, her lips slightly curled up, her eyes intense, and she glared at her students with a commanding stance. The sixteen members of the Zhu Jiajia were silent, their heads bowed. The silence lasted for a while, but it was broken as quickly as a teacup falling from a table. It was due to her sudden and unexpected behavior. A behavior that even she didn't expect…….


An unexpected yawn. Startled by the involuntary yawn, Bi Ryuyeon hastily covered her mouth with both hands, but the yawn was an arrow that had already left the demonstration, and there was no turning back. Not to be outdone, Hyun-woon stepped up to the plate. With a very meaningful smile on his face, Hyun-woon spoke with a very respectful expression and voice.

"No, Master, why are you yawning, you must have had a sleepless night, you should think of your health."

The tone was not without sarcasm.

"Humph, no, I was just worried that my beloved apprentice's shoulder might not be able to withstand the pressure and that something might go wrong……. A swordsman's shoulders are important, so I was worried……."

But of course, no one believed him, and they all knew that vomiting would not save them. In any case, he had to avoid the gazes of the disciples that kept focusing on him. Bi Ryuyeon suddenly turned her head and glared at Lin Yun. A brilliance flashed in her eyes.

"Aside from me, what the hell did you guys do yesterday?"

For a moment, everyone's shoulders tensed. It was the question that would resolve the crisis and turn the charter around. This time, Hyun-woon was at a loss for words. Bi Ryuyeon's meaningful eyes turned to Namgung-sang. The red face of the Namgung Sang turned even redder, and Hyun-woon spoke up.

"Ah, the sleepless nights of parting ways with a wonderful, great teacher whom we, of course, honor."

This was Hyun-woon, who, despite his status as a Taoist, could tell a lie without spitting on his lips.

"Ho, yeah?"

This time, Bi Ryuyeon reacted in disbelief, the look in his eyes saying, "Don't be ridiculous.


As if to emphasize his certainty, Hyunwoon said.

"Yes, Master. As Master Hyun-woon said, I couldn't sleep because of my separation from you. How could I sleep when I had to leave your side?"

The carpenter stepped up to the plate. When it was over, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes grew thinner and thinner. With a sparkling smile and crescent-shaped eyes, she swept her gaze across her disciples.

"Ohhh, so who were those three ladies on the roof last night, and did they emit a brighter light when they were on the roof?"

The women's shoulders twitched at the same time. It must have been even hotter inside.

"And who were those two men and women who sat on the branches of a green pine tree and pretended to be owls, and where did they live, and did they have a good view?"

Nam Jung-ne, Noh Hak, and Hyun-woon's shoulders tensed, and they exchanged glances. "How did you know?" was the meaning of the gaze…….

"Who were those two people who were practicing cloaking behind a mossy rock?"

"What about those two guys behind the bushes, peeking out, maybe the bugs were music to their ears?"

But it wasn't the two men who shuddered, but the shoulders of two women. They were Hua Shan and Mo Yong, the head cook of the Mo Yong family.

"The one sniffing around on the roof of the restroom, the one poking his head out of the corner of the kitchen building."

Their shoulders tensed as she spoke each word. The total number of people Bi Ryuyeon had pinched was fourteen. All fourteen people, except for two, Namgungsang and Qinling, had been hiding somewhere last night and watching something. Their faces were now so pale that they could hardly be considered human beings in this world. How could a red-blooded human face be so white?" Qin Lie's body shook. How had he not noticed? Fourteen people were all hiding around them, and he, who was not even a top three cultivator, and who felt inadequate even when he was called a first-class cultivator, could not recognize the signs of fourteen people.

One reason for this was that Nan Gongsheng and Qin Lie were too focused on the situation at hand to pay attention to what was going on around them, and the other was that the people in hiding were masters who had reached a level of cultivation that could only be described as first-class. Now the two of them would be unable to walk around with a straight face for a while. I wondered what kind of nerve they had to carry their faces around with them, and thought that they might be doomed to walk on the ground for months or even years.

Looking at their pale faces, red lips, and stiffened bodies, Bi Ryuyeon smiled and said, "I'm afraid that if I eat any more, I'll have to clean up the corpse today. She realized that if she gnawed on it any longer, she might have to clean up a corpse today, a corpse that could have been a self-inflicted wound from shame, or a corpse that had exploded in an uncontrollable fit of rage and died at the hands of a knife-wielding human.

"Well, let's not talk about it anymore, it's time to go, and it's ridiculous that you're arguing and making a fuss about this."

Bi Ryuyeon took a moment to compose herself, then spoke to her disciples in a heavy voice.

"Let's go back down the mountain."

Hassan's numbers were down. He was showing his master's side again. Five months was not a short period of time for a human being, and the past five months as a teacher had mastered his acting skills so much that he could now perform the weight-bearing act with dignity and grace. With these quiet but weighty words, the students began to follow their master down the mountain. Today would be the last time they would see the moon rise and the sun set on Amishan, the last time they would run to the top of the mountain at dawn, the last time they would jump over the waterfall, the last time they would haul wood and chop firewood every day, and the last time they would accomplish the workload of many other menial tasks.

On the morning of the promised farewell, when it was time to depart, none of them were able to leave, but they remained where they were, like people held back by an invisible hand. In front of the Zhongyang Pavilion, the sixteen disciples stood in a row, and at a little distance away, twelve carriages with the Zhongyang Pavilion banner, embroidered with lotus flowers and swords, and bearing the Zhongyang Pavilion inscription with a large middle figure, stood in orderly formation, all ready to go.

The carriage in the foreground was a special cart designed to allow the body to easily move up and down as it moved, a cart specially made to carry fragile items. It was more like a wagon than a cart, as the whole thing was made like a sealed box. Bi Ryuyeon knew what it was for, as she had heard all about it from Lord Zhang Wuyang when she had arrived a few days ago.

At first, he was hesitant, as if he would not teach me, but with one look and one glance, he kindly did. This carriage contained the most important thing on the journey. The carriage was already ready to go, and it could leave at any time as soon as the signal was given. As this was the life and death of the Zhongyang Marks Bureau, Zhang Wuyang, the head of the Eighteen Swords, would be personally leading the procession, and the number of marksmen mobilized was enormous, numbering over one hundred and fifty. However, even this enormous procession was currently being held back by a single person. That person was Bi Ryuyeon.

He had lined up his disciples in a row in front of him, and was giving them a farewell lecture, but none of them stepped forward,

"It's time to leave, so let's wrap this up quickly and get going."

No one had the courage to speak up. With Zhang Wuyang looking dejected and silent, who would dare to speak up and challenge him? Zhang Wuyang and his minions, the Zhongyang Clan, had no choice but to wait and see.

With a sorrowful look on his face, Bi Ryuyeon gathered his departing students and gave them one last lesson. The final lesson was the culmination of everything she had taught them up to this point, the truth that she wanted to teach them, enlighten them, and make them feel in their bones. Even if they went on without learning anything else, they had to learn this, feel it, realize it, and take it to heart. The last lesson was given in the form of mental education.

"Higher than the sky?"

In a quiet voice, Bi Ryuyeon asked the people who had been his students.

"Master's grace."

Everyone responded with a loud, booming voice, the same height, the same size, the same length. It is very difficult to do this without a lot of practice. Perhaps there was an invisible effort between them.

"What's deeper than the ocean?"

"Master's love."

Again, everyone answered with a roar.

"The higher you look, the higher you lose?"

"Master's grace."

"What in the world has no end?"

"Master's grace."

"What can't be repaid?"

"Master's grace."

After what seemed like a dozen riddles, she spoke again.

"Okay, it's finally time to say goodbye, it's been a long time coming."

"Yeah, I've been through a lot of trouble because of you.

But no matter how you feel, no matter how much you have piled up in your heart, if you speak your mind here, it will be neither porridge nor rice. Everyone knew that well.

"No, Master, you've had a lot of trouble teaching those of us who are so stupid."

"I don't want to let you go either, but I have no choice."

"We don't want to leave your side either, Master (please let us go soon)."

Everyone was playing inside and out. Finally, Bi Ryuyeon rolled up his sleeve and showed it to his disciples, saying

"This cylinder is my mark of honor. The next time you see it, no matter who it is, you will hold it as if it were your master, for it will benefit you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

That was the last time she heard her master's voice. Now, for the time being, we won't be hearing from you. Yes, for the time being…….


A word to say goodbye. Something in Bi Ryuyeon's eyes caught the light and sparkled.

"Preserve the octahedron."

I must have seen something, everyone thought. Nine times out of ten, they were right. With tears of joyful parting in their eyes, they bowed nine times to the ground, one last time to their master, the man who had made them live in hell for five months. Then they turned and walked away without delay.

Everyone's steps were lighter than usual today, and as they walked, in front of them were the markers of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau, who had been waiting impatiently for them since earlier. With a signal from the head of the state, Zhang Wuyang, they set off, the departing group in front of them, and Bi Ryuyeon alone behind them. She stood silently in place, watching them over and over again, until they had disappeared into the far reaches of the land and were no longer visible. Then they departed, and she was alone again.

"Huh, I'm empty……."

With a slightly sheepish smile, Bi Ryuyeon looked up at the sky, which, whether it knew it or not, was a brilliant blue.

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