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Book 1 Chapter 14

The Unstoppable Three-Body Beating Technique

Blue skies invite people into them

It glowed, clear and deep, like it was about to fall away.

The cold, transparent valley makes a cool sound without a care in the world.

It was drifting down its own path.

Sunlight pierced through a patch of white clouds in the sky, shattering on the surface of the clear valley, creating thousands of golden shards. As if in response, a cool breeze blew through the world on a crisp afternoon. The day was clear, and its power seemed to bring out the best in life, but there was something else going on at the edge of the valley where the sun was breaking, something that had nothing to do with this beautiful weather.

"Pfft, pfft."

"Ugh. No, no, no. This isn't it. What the hell is this?"

This was never what she had expected, but the ideals she had dreamed of since before she came here had long since scattered to the winds like the dust that sat upon Zhang Nong. Her arms were numb and her back was stiff. Her slender arms, legs, and waist were constantly sending warning signals to her brain, and her hair had long since turned its natural color from processing them all.

Her left hand was holding a load of laundry on a flat rock, and her right hand was gripping an unusual clothespin with all its might. It wasn't a normal clothespin, but a steel clothespin made of cast iron that could smash a boulder with a single blow. Despite its size, the steel laundry bat was an imposing thing, weighing 50 pounds. Her hands had been shaking in the bat's grip since the beginning.

Her name is Tang Wenhui, a lady of the Sichuan Tang family, 19 years old. She was in the prime of her life, both physically and mentally. Born into a martial family, she was introduced to the martial arts at the age of seven, picked up a sword, and spent three years learning the basics of martial arts. At the age of 10, she took up the whip, and later began to learn the techniques of the Tang family masters.

At the age of 14, she beat the 16-year-old only child of a prominent Murimsei family to death with a dog paddle after he made a misogynistic remark about women staying at home to cook and do laundry, and then gave him another paddle, beating him half to death. At the age of sixteen, her skills were such that she stood out among the boys and girls of the Sichuan Tang family, and she was qualified to inherit the family's secret arts in a woman's body. She possessed the Tang family's arcane reading skills, which are called non-human inheritance.

Then, at the age of 18, she surprised everyone by applying to the highly coveted Tianmu Academy, a school that all powerful men aspire to enter. This is because entering the Tianmu Academy in a female body is not something that can be accomplished with ordinary effort, talent, and skill. She was selected to participate in this training camp because her second-year midterm evaluation scores were among the best.

She longed to be much stronger than she was, so she entered this training camp with many illusions that once she attended, her skills would improve by amazing leaps and bounds. To become even stronger…….

To her, the idea of doing laundry out of the blue is a bunch of bullshit. To her, who dreams of being the best female high school student in the land, doing laundry is no different than asking King Tut to save her life.

"Puck, puck, puck, iron puck, iron puck, iron puck!"

"Moon Hye, the laundry is about to burst. Be gentle."

A fellow laundry worker, Dan Carpenter, who saw her slam the laundry as if in anger, stopped her, worried about the bursting laundry.

"Do I look like I'm trying to be gentle now, because I'm pissed if I'm not."

Tang Moon-hye, who was on the verge of exploding under the heat, nervously shouted at Dang Dan-mo-su.

"Oh well, you have to put up with it. You put up with it."

"Are you sure you're not mad at me, Sue? We've been doing laundry, laundry, laundry for over ten days straight."

"Gosh, I can't believe you only did laundry. You did a lot of other things."

It was Danmoksu who kindly corrected Tang's mistake.

"Yikes, that's the thing, that's the thing. Besides, what the hell is this other stuff? Beading, gathering herbs, chopping firewood, which is only for men, it's all chores! What the hell does that have to do with learning martial arts, making us work ourselves to death? And we had to do all that with these stupidly heavy martial arts boots on our hands and feet. We came here to learn martial arts, not to do heavy labor, okay? My whole body aches and my socks ache!"

Tang Wen-hye was letting out all of her frustrations in one fell swoop. Having had her long-held expectations dashed in a single moment, she had become extremely sensitive to everything that was going on. She had accumulated so many grievances that they were overflowing.

"I'm sick, I'm sick too. My arms are shaking and my whole body hurts like crazy right now, but it's a lot better than it was at the beginning, right? You couldn't even move at the beginning."

With the heart of a mother soothing a crying child, the carpenter said.

"I don't care if my body is tired from training, that's what I'm hoping for, but this isn't it. I can't stand the thought of my body being abused by this chore."

Tang Wenhye's slender eyebrows rose, and her black eyes flashed with life. For some reason, sitting next to him, Tang Wenxiu felt an eerie chill run through his body.

'She must be really upset. She's like a boiling kettle of water.'

Thinking that if he didn't calm Tang Wenhye down, a murder case would easily break out, Dan Moxu cautiously opened his mouth again.

"Well, at least we're not the only ones doing laundry, right? There are other people doing the same thing. Qin Shaoge is upstairs cooking right now, too, along with Nan Gong Shaoge and Snow White."

It was a story about how two of the Seven Peaks, the Amifa's Qin Ling, Qin Sojae, and the Southern Palace's Sanshan and Southern Palace Sojae, were also preparing a meal, which was a chore, and in addition, Huashan's Hua Snow Jade was also cooking a meal, so you should let go of your anger and stop putting up with it. But…….

As if that wasn't enough to quell her anger, she continued to complain. The flames of her anger were not yet extinguished.

"But you cook, you cook. I'd rather be a cook than a cook, and we'd rather do the laundry, which is a nasty, nasty job, but if it's the same job, I'd rather be a cook than a maid, and we'd rather do the laundry."

Dan Carpenter, who was listening to Tang Wenhye's complaints, spoke with a cautious face.

"Oh, Moon-hye, that's because you burned the rice and made the soup brine when you took the cooking test… Ouch!"

The cautious (?) Danmoxu's words were immediately cut short by Tang Wenhye. When the embarrassing past governor came out, she screamed and stopped him.

"Shut up, you burned the side dishes too, all in the name of stir-frying vegetables that were sliced into unrecognizable shapes."

At Tang Wenhui's insults, Dan Moxu began to feel a little angry. After taking the trouble to explain to her why they were in the situation they were in, the ungrateful old woman had the audacity to humiliate her……. But you can't make things worse by being angry. I decided to be patient for now.

"Oh, I didn't learn to cook at home, so I don't deserve to be so condescending to you! You keep complaining about how you're not going to be able to take care of yourself. Have you already forgotten what happened to the old sect?"

For a moment, Tang Wenhye was stunned by the words of the single carpenter named Noh. Her body was stiffened by the terror and fear that had overtaken her in an instant. The sight of that day still vivid before her eyes, the blood of that day unforgettable. Just thinking about it sent chills down her spine, made her legs shake, and raised goosebumps on her arms.

Disciple Nohak, age 19, on the verge of opening. Gender, male.

The day of the incident was their fourth day here, and the man who had asked them to call him Master seemed a bit, well, eccentric for some reason. On the first day, he gave them a really heavy rosary. It was all good, but then he told them that this time, due to an unavoidable accident, he was unable to receive funding for the training camp from the Heavenly Martial Academy. He said that he needed the money to teach the students, so they should pay him immediately. Of course, he paraphrased quite a bit, but the bottom line was the same.

I was thrilled. They had ridden horses from the Museum of Heavenly Wisdom to the entrance of Amishan here. The distance between Amishan and Tianmu Hall was quite long, so they rode horses to save time and stamina.

I decided to sell all my horses to a stable, as I had no use for them for a few months after arriving here. Young-ho Geum was in charge of negotiating the sale, and his resourcefulness allowed me to get a good deal. Both parties were satisfied with the deal. This was the moment when the business skills I had learned at home came into play. Thanks to this, everyone was able to make a good income.

But as soon as his pockets were filled, they were robbed. He sold the horses for more than ten pieces of silver per horse, so he walked away with more than 160 pieces of silver. And it wasn't just the money from the sale of the horses, either; nearly two-thirds of the money that was given to the children to go to faraway places by families with considerable wealth and who were practitioners had been taken by the man named Master. The only reason given was that he didn't need the money.

He said that money is a thing that clouds the eyes and disturbs the mind and hinders one's practice, so it is better not to have it on one's person, and he casually took away everyone's money and belongings. But they had no words to retort. There was nothing wrong with them. They had come here to study and practice martial arts, and the man who was taking their money in front of them was someone who, although a little suspicious, might make them stronger.

Geum Young-ho was the only son of the Kumho Merchants' Association, which was ranked first or second in the commercial world. The difference between him and everyone else was obvious from the clothes he wore. He wore a fine purple silk robe that was hard to come by, with golden thread embroidered with colorful tigers on the sleeves, and a golden sash around his waist studded with sparkling jewels.

Suspended from the jade pole was an ornate scabbard adorned with gold and jewels, and a costly sword with a golden hilt. If there's one thing I didn't like about it, it was that it didn't support my face, which was a strange mismatch with the purple silk fabric that was supposed to shield me. Purple is the color of nobles, and it covers a lot of people. There was no more suitable and precious color for a thin nobleman to wear, but for someone who had a bit of flesh on his cheeks like Geum Young-ho, it was like a rat poison that made him want to refuse.

It was the common opinion of all but Geum that he looked very expensive. He had everything confiscated except his clothes and sword. The more he had, the more he had taken. He had barely four times as much as the others. The only ones who didn't, or couldn't, pay anything other than the money they sold their horses for were the shaman, Shen Yun, and the open book, Luo Hak. The Shaman Sect was a sect that practiced frugality as a virtue, so no money was given to Shen Yun on this training trip other than the money from the horse sale. Nohak was literally a beggar by profession, so he was a penniless beggar with nothing to show for it. Tang Wen-hye clearly remembered the look in the master's eyes as he looked at them with nothing to offer, though she couldn't quite make out the meaning of that look.

Having taken money from them like that-ripped them off is a better way to put it-it wasn't as if the master had taught them anything at all. What they did the next day was something I'm ashamed to say.

On the second day.

The fake master called them to the training grounds in the backyard of the camp. For some reason, she had a big smile on her face. Yesterday's profits had been extraordinary.

"I'll make no bones about it. We will begin our training in earnest today. I want you all to stay alert. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master!"

Thunderous voices filled the hall. But none of the sixteen realized that a hell worse than hell was now welcoming them with open mouths. That was their misfortune.

The first thing she did was to choose a meal leader. She decided to choose from among the female members of the troupe, saying that preparing meals was a woman's job. One of the challengers, Tang Wenhui, a woman from Sichuan's Tang Gate, burned all the rice, causing tears to fall from the eyes of the peasants who had worked so hard to cultivate the grain, while the female chef of the prestigious Danmoxue family, a carpenter by trade, chopped up the precious side dishes until their shape and meaning were unrecognizable, and then burned the remains and fragments of the dishes to destroy any evidence of their existence in this world. It had been a waste of money for a meal and a side dish.

Bi Ryuyeon was furious and reprimanded them, purely because of the cost of the burnt rice and side dishes. Tang Wenhui's excuse for her mistake was even worse,

"It's just a mistake, the rice got mixed up with the water in the dustpan!"

", causing even more consternation around him. The carpenter who was being reprimanded next to him kept his mouth shut and exercised his right to remain silent, practicing the old adage that if you keep your mouth shut, you're halfway there. It was indeed a noble act. In the end, Tang Wenhui and the carpenter failed the test and were forced to wash their clothes by the stream.

After a series of twists and turns, Qin Ling, Nangong Shanshan, and Huaxue Jade were chosen for the meal because they had taken bridal lessons somewhere and had impressed everyone by cooking proper food for humans to eat. The other two women, Huang Bo Ok-yeon and Mo Yongquan, had to scour the mountains for edible herbs. It was Bi Ryuyeon's idea to save money on food.

After enduring a dizzying spiral of spending, the only way to survive was to save. She saved one, she saved two, she saved three, and then she tried the carrot: exploitation.

After explaining in detail to Mo Yongquan and Huang Bojing what plants were edible and what were not, Bi Ryuyeon gave them some samples of herbs and told them to go up the mountain to gather them. They were accompanied by Tang Chul-young of the Tang Clan as a guide and competent herb gatherer.

As a direct descendant of the Sichuan Dangmun, who was known for his poison and memorization, he was especially knowledgeable about poisonous herbs and medicinal plants, and he had a deeper and more in-depth knowledge of the efficacy and use of plants than anyone else. Therefore, he was sent to collect herbs along with the herbs. Of course, the herbs were to be sold to the town's pharmacy and councilors. However, gathering herbs was not an easy task.

Amishan is a harsh mountain, occupying a prominent place among the five hills of the Middle Kingdom, which are reputed to be difficult. Moreover, their wrists and ankles were covered with mukhwan weighing 50 muscles each, so they could barely move at first, let alone walk. It was not easy to climb the steep mountain path with such a heavy load totaling 200 muscles. Tang Chul-young and the two women had to walk around the mountain in a constant state of waiting, which is why there was very little harvest on the first day. The fact that they made it back safely was praiseworthy enough.

The same was true for the meal attendants and laundry attendants. Unable to control the weight of Mukhwan on their wrists, the side dishes were sliced and diced under the tyranny of the precarious knife-or perhaps more accurately, attacked-so that the dishes could not be properly prepared. Naturally, the dish turned out to be a very strange mess.

It is a wonder that it has retained its shape, so you can imagine the situation. The women should be praised for the fact that they were able to produce food that was fit for human consumption under such adverse conditions, even though the surface was cracked all over, making it impossible to use twice. But they weren't.

Not only did they have to eat what was edible, they had to eat what was made, no matter what grotesque and gruesome form it took. It was, in fact, a terribly inhumane form of torture. The act of eating was not an act of survival, but an act of dying. If you didn't die from eating, you were to be commended for your tenacity. That's how terrible it was. Of course, there was no way he would have praised them in such a situation. She should have left them alone as they struggled not to die after eating and prepared a meal for herself.

A deciduous broad-leaved shrub of the Sophoraceae family, often found on mountainsides and in valleys, to a foot and a half tall. Yellow-green flowers in early summer, followed by drupes in early fall. The fruit is very bitter in taste and is used as a placebo and insecticide. It's also known as a bitter tree). He chewed his food and ate in silence. What a thrill it must have been for the tender-hearted women to see him like that.

Still, I'm not sure if Namgungsang is speaking from the heart or from the mouth as he eats the food prepared by the jinnyeong and other meal servers,

"That's very tasty, I want more!"

and tried to comfort him. He could feel the cold stares around him, but he tried to ignore them. There was nothing he could do to stop his face from falling, but it was inevitable.

When the women were doing this, there was no way that the men were having an easy day. They had to work harder and harder than the women just because they were men. What she asked the men to do was simply to physically beat them. The first thing she instructed them to do was to go up the mountain and chop down trees, and then chop them down.

But it was no easy task. There were only two axes, and they weighed well over a hundred pounds each. I couldn't even handle the weight of the mukhwan on my wrist, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to hold the axe properly.

It was a situation where I could barely chop firewood with an axe if I had to draw on all my inner strength and suckle on all my nourishment-or "innate energy," as they say.

The men, like men, and the women, like women, had to use all of their strength, even their pre-baby strength, to accomplish even a fraction of what she was asking them to do. As a result, on the first day, everyone only met a third of their quotas and goals, and all of their quotas were pushed back to the next day-it wasn't like she was going to leave it at that and call it a day-so the next day's work just got piled on.

The next day, the men and women all suffered hellish full-body muscle aches from the previous day's lactic acidosis-the price of hard work. It was the same excruciating pain that Bi Ryuyeon had to experience years earlier. The end of a single day's work made nearly 20 years of training and cultivation worthless.

Martial arts is not something that can be mastered by reading a book, swinging a sword, throwing a punch, or stomping a foot. You have to train constantly to build a body that can withstand martial arts training and forces, and you have to accumulate the power of heaven and earth and nature in your body through constant devotion and mental concentration. Martial arts is a constant process of bone-crushing labor and hard work. Those who had walked the martial arts path could not endure a single day of labor. It was the moment when their 20 years of seniority became irrelevant, and it was also their first setback.

The first thing he did when he gathered them all together in the evening was to teach them to string beads. Teaching them the art of beading, which he still continues to do as a sideline, he gave them the same demonstration that his master had given him: he threw twenty beads into the air, and in an instant he was able to pierce all of them with a silver needle through a tiny hole in the center of the beads. It had been a long time since he had the ability to make a single bead necklace with a single casting.

It's always a surprise to see a demonstration of this level of difficulty, because it's not something that just anyone can do. Everyone seemed to be surprised. The exclamations from the audience couldn't have been sweeter. The feeling was overwhelming. She savored the feeling again, wondering if this was what her master had felt when he had looked at her with those surprised rabbit eyes.

When they finally tried their hand at beading, none of them could thread a single bead with a silver needle. The person who was most traumatized by the experience was Tang Chul-young from Sichuan Tang Family. When he tried his hand at beading, he was very surprised.

Tang Chul-young himself was a direct descendant of Sichuan Tang Wen, the third son of the Zong family. The Tang family was known for their poison and memorization, which everyone in power knew. No other great schools or martial artists dared to discuss poison and memorization in front of them. It was a waste of life. Everyone's life is precious, so they were always careful with their words and actions. The Tang Clan was very skilled in poison and memorization, and their skills were recognized by everyone in the stronghold.

One of the most recognized secrets of the Tang Dynasty is the art of dark arts. Along with reading, no one can deny that it is the single most important contributor to the existence of Sichuan Tang Dynasty.

So, what are the most important skills you need to master memorization techniques? It's simple: good eyesight and quick hands. Of course, it's also important to have the strength of the inner ball you're throwing. If you don't have enough internal force, your memorization won't be as lethal, and you'll have to resort to poison or drugs. This was a shame for the Tang martial artists, for they prided themselves on using poison and memorization separately.

The school was recognized as a prestigious school by the warlords because it did not engage in the despicable practice of poisoning the tiny details of memorization. In order to master the art of memorization, it was essential to train one's eyesight.

Of course, Tang Chul-young himself was proud to have gone through the whole process. Only when you can not only read the characters on the flying chopsticks, but also read the characters on the rotating spinner, line by line, do you have a chance to master memorization. Only then will you be able to handle the mnemonics in earnest. Before that, it was the Sichuan Tang Gate that had the strictest discipline, where students were not even allowed to go near the cipher.

The quickness of the hand, which goes hand in hand with excellent eyesight, can only be achieved through constant practice. Of course, to further improve their skills, Tang Wen developed, and still continues to develop, a number of training methods to achieve even greater hand speed and even greater speed. It was a disgrace that Tang Wen himself, a direct descendant of Tang, could not catch a single bead thrown into the air.

At least I looked a little better than everyone else because I had learned a song. There were many in the group who couldn't even see the shadow of the hole. Tang Chul-young's professional training in memorization and eye power allowed him to catch the center of the spinning marbles, albeit faintly.

But what would he do if his eyes could follow? His body, or rather, the hands that rested on his body, could not. The mantle on his wrist stretched like a shackle, hindering him. But it was still a shame that no matter how limited his hands were, he could not succeed.

These feelings must be shared by his sister, Tang Wen-hye. The kind of shame that makes you want to bite your tongue and die……. She could only console herself by saying that she must be feeling the same way right now.

The first day of full-time training - the first day of full-time training, if you will. Though we all deeply doubted it, it had come to pass. Fortunately, everyone was still alive.

"Oh, he's still alive, was the robbery weak? You can look forward to tomorrow, today was too weak, it was just a taste!"

It was a word that sent shivers down the spines of the 16 members of the casting crew, who were spread out like soaked rags. The entire group was forced to choose between personal suicide today and death tomorrow.

The next day was, as predicted, one hell of a muscle soreness after another. The third day was the same, and the fourth, and the next. Everyone was feeling the daily grind deep in their bones. Each day seemed like a thousand days as they endured the muscle pain of hell. Their patience was slowly crumbling.

The evening of my third day of training. The sun is still hanging over the ridge of the West Mountain…….

Finally, the patience of one of the 16 members of the Open Beggars, Nohak, had reached its limit. Originally, beggars were not a people who held their tempers in check. A beggar was a person who lived as he pleased. In a good way, they were free, and in a bad way, they were impatient. Here was a beggar who exemplified these qualities, and his name was Nohak.

Unable to bear the ignominy of his life any longer, the old man finally exploded. Throwing down the axe he was holding, he sprang to his feet and began to protest fiercely against Bi Ryuyeon. His voice was high, as if he had a lot of things on his mind. He screamed at the top of his lungs, cursing and swearing at her.

From Bi Ryuyeon's point of view, it was an unfortunate situation: an ugly disciple with a cracked corkscrew challenging a heavenly master.

"I can't take it anymore! How long are we going to have to do these chores? What is this? We didn't come all the way to this faraway training center deep in the mountains of Amishan to do these chores. We want to practice martial arts, not these useless chores. Do you understand? I'll beat you to death, but I can't do these chores anymore. If you don't teach us martial arts by making us do these chores, I'll beat you to death and go back to Tianmu Academy!"

As he vented his pent-up frustrations, Nohak felt refreshed, as if his stomach had been cleared. It was a good start, he thought, and there's no telling what the future holds…but…….

"Oho, are you rebelling against me?"

A disciple's rebellion……. This exciting turn of events made Bi Ryuyeon's heart ache, so much so that the threads on her forehead began to puff up. She was obviously very upset, but she still had a smile on her face, which was even more frightening. It was unforgivable. It was unforgivable. Since time immemorial, there has never been a pupil who disobeyed his master, not even a good one.

"Yes, I'm rebelling, I'm saying I'm not going to take it anymore. Are you going to teach me or are you not going to teach me?"

After a few days, the complaints piled up, and Nohak showed no signs of backing down.

"You want to learn martial arts?"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes narrowed, and his gaze began to glow in a strange way. Watching him for a moment, she realized that this bastard, this beggar, had no more respect for his master than a snowflake. Many thoughts flashed through her mind as she watched the heavenly master and his disciple.

"Is that how they train all the beggars in the open? Is that how they train all the beggars in the open? Are they all beggars? That guy needs to be beaten. He needs a good beating or two to wake him up, yeah, yeah.

Bi Ryuyeon tentatively made a decision about her future course of action to deal with Noh Hak.

"Let's touch it in moderation.

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and asked in a lively voice. But there was something in her voice that sent chills down the spine of the listener.

"You want to learn martial arts?"


"Okay, Onya, I'll teach you a trick, a martial art. Then… watch."


In an instant, Bi Ryuyeon's new body form in front of him disappeared, leaving behind a white smoke afterimage. The old man's eyes widened.

"No, no, no. Where the hell would……."

Lao Tzu was stunned. For a brief moment, several thoughts raced through his mind simultaneously. But it was more impossible than the sun rising in the southwest for his dull gaze to follow Bi Ryuyeon's sentence.


The next moment, a new version of Bi Ryuyeon appeared under Noh Hak's nose. It was a blink of an eye. It was too fast for any defense. Then, a thunderous cry.

"The Three-Footed Beating Technique (三伏狗打拳法)!"

A booming voice burst from her mouth. Her spirits were high. She was very angry, and her shouting was very loud.

"Pavabak, puck-puck, doo-doo-doo, pasha-pasha, toosh."

With such fierce speed that it was almost invisible, Bi Ryuyeon's fists slammed into Luo Hak's entire body. Head, shoulders, knees, feet, knees, feet, you name it, every inch of the poor man's body was subjected to a fair and generous baptism of fists. But despite being hit so hard, the old man's body didn't fall backwards. Curiously, his body actually rose vertically. He was forced to take the full brunt of the blows with his body. It was hell. The unrelenting punching became a wave, crashing into his body. It was a night of literal blood and flesh.

What is the meaning of the Three-Footed Beating? Doesn't it mean "beating a dog" or "beating a dog in the heat of the day"? He had never been beaten in his life to such a degree that he was dazed. Even in his own school, the Wen, there was a secret method of beating dogs called the "Tagubong Method," which was secretly passed down as the Ark of the Covenant. Noh Hak himself had the opportunity to observe this secret technique, as he was the second disciple of Yong Quan, the Ark of the Open Sea. His master, Yong Quan of the Open Sea, had recognized his martial arts skills and learning achievements, and had once challenged him to a fight and beat him like a dog with the technique. With this bitter memory deep in his heart, he firmly believed that there was no other dog beating technique in the world that was more terrifying and powerful.

However, his thoughts were to be thoroughly revised as of this moment. This was because he had just been beaten to a pulp by a dog beating technique that was clearly as powerful as, if not more powerful than, the Tagu Feng Technique. After experiencing it with my whole body, I realized that the Three-Fold Beating Technique did not have the mysterious mystery of the Tagubong Technique, but it had a powerful simple ignorance that made up for it. This simple ignorance and lighthearted punching was a terrifying kung fu technique that you couldn't find a way to escape from even after washing your eyes. There was no escape, so there was no choice but to take every punch.

The original Three-Footed Beating was Sifu Biyun's own invention, and it was a three-part kata. What makes it unique is that it is divided into three parts: the first, second, and third. The reason for the non-initial part is that there is no form or initial part in this kata. It's all about power, speed, and a few tricks.

Each of the three parts is divided into the initial fu, the redundant fu, and the final fu, which are collectively referred to as the three fu. The power of each of these divisions varies as one progresses through the stages.

The first step is the initial blow, which is a moderate touch to the opponent's entire body, which will leave them in a kneading state. The middle fu is more powerful than the first fu, as it puts the opponent in a state of super-stupor, or "one step to the other side". The final move is the final fu, which, as the name suggests, literally kills the opponent. This doesn't mean a cheap death, or a death of no value, but a literal beating like a dog.

When preparing bossintang for Lucky Day, it is said that if you beat a dog with a pan and then hold it, the meat will be tender. Of course, it's just a myth. However, this myth was the inspiration for the fancy-named "three-footed dog beating method," so the fact that it hurts so badly that you want to die must be the truth.

The old man was very sick. Excruciating pain was eating away at his entire body. His eye bags had long since become night bags, and his face was so swollen that he couldn't even outline what it used to look like. He was covered in bruises and painful bruises all over his body, and it was a wonder he didn't have any fractures. The exquisite art of being kneaded into a paste and not breaking a bone. That's the beauty of this technique, according to Ms. Bi, and it's a delicacy.

The first blow only injures the skin and muscles, the second blow breaks the bones, and the third blow ends the life. This was the true power of the beating method. After being nursed for three days, the old man was finally able to get out of bed, and from then on he never complained in front of Ryuyeon or anyone else, and he pranced around like a dirty puppy in front of Ryuyeon.

The incident (also known as the "Noh Hak Beating Incident") had the effect of simultaneously shutting up everyone else who had witnessed the atrocity. After that incident, there were no more complaints coming to Bi Ryuyeon's ears. The events of that day will never be forgotten.

Tang Wenhui and Dan Moxu shook their heads vigorously from side to side, as if trying to shake off the nightmare of the day. Tang Wenhui's mouth had already closed of its own accord and showed no sign of opening.

"Ding ding ding!"

A clear, crisp bell rang from the top of the mountain.

"Yeah, what are you doing, get a grip."


The sound of the carpenter's words and the ringing of the bell brought her out of her reverie. Tang still couldn't forget that day, and the blood that splashed down her face was no small amount. The stench of blood in her nose, the warmth of blood, the redness of her vision, it was an experience she would never want to repeat.

"I shouldn't be like that.

Tang Wenhui recited quietly and deeply to herself. Gradually, she felt her heart calm down. Like a frightened mole, the fierce complaints fled and were nowhere to be found. Fear had overpowered anger.

"Ding ding ding!"

Dan Moxu had heard the bell ringing a while ago and urged Tang Wenhye to come.

"Moon-hye, let's go. It's a gathering signal. It rang three times in short bursts, so it must be mealtime. Let's go."


Tang Wenhui and Dan Carpenter packed up the laundry they had been doing and hurriedly began to walk toward the dormitory building. The desire to run fast was like a chimney, but they were not yet able to utilize their kung fu skills to run fast. Behind their backs, the valley, with its natural transparency, flowed coolly. What fate awaits them in the future? Only the heavens and Bi Ryuyeon know.

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