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Book 1 Chapter 12

Never be a learner

Clear water!

It's a giant, lush, green, cold, swirling world.

A place where the flow of water colors the world. At the center of it all stood Bi Ryuyeon.

This was a special place where sound couldn't get out of hand.

It's no wonder she's been so quiet.

This was because we were in the water just below the falls.

A cold chill coursed through his body, but it had little effect on the only disciple and heir to the Thunderbolt Sect currently present. In Bi Ryuyeon's hand, he held a pair of lightning swords. He calmed down and focused his mind, looking at a chunk of rock about five zhang away in front of him. It was a chunk of rock the size of a tired, ugly master's face.

The chunk of rock was only the size of his master's face, doubling his desire to destroy it. Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon's hand reached forward. It wasn't fast; the water's resistance meant that he couldn't move his arm as quickly as he could on land just yet. But his arm moved smoothly and naturally, without any awkwardness, despite the extreme pressure and resistance of the water.

He swam at high speed through the water and flew away, landing on a rock about the size of his master's thigh, some distance away. Even though he threw the flying sword into the deep water where the water pressure was crushing his entire body, the flying sword flew through the water and stuck in the rock, as if it was defying the laws of nature. But despite this epic feat of conquering the laws of nature, Bi Ryuyeon was not happy.

'Chet, check out Sylphanga……. It didn't break in half.'

A glimmer of disappointment flashed across her face. What seemed like a great feat to others was just an abject failure to her. In order to retrieve it, Bi Ryuyeon tugged on the thunder spirit that was connected to it. On the surface of the water, the flying thunder sword would have returned to Bi Ryuyeon's hand in no time, but underwater, where invisible and intangible water currents existed, it was halfway back before it lost its strength and tried to sink.

At this moment, the water spirit churned violently. Swept away by the current, Virgo swam back and forth in the water, following the waves. Already out of control, he was unable to make any further adjustments. This was due to his lack of cultivation.

What is the weakness of a birodo? It's underwater combat. The resistance of the water and the pressure of the water slows the body and stops the birodo from flying. Add to that the invisible, intangible force of the current, and you've got a recipe for disaster. Of course, the force on the bido is also significantly reduced. Of course, the speed is also reduced. For a bido, whose lifeblood is speed, to lose it would mean death.

The same was true for the sword. It would be impossible to control a thread thinner than a human hair in the irregularly undulating water of an invisible current. At best, Bido would be able to travel some distance in the water, albeit at the pace of a slow turtle.

But if you try to wield a sword that weighs almost nothing and has no strength underwater, the world will call you a madman. If you don't believe me, try putting a thread in the water yourself. The thread will immediately lose its strength and move with the flow of the water. It's just common sense.

So throwing a flying sword underwater was about as difficult as shooting a bow like a madman on a stormy day and hitting the center of a bull's-eye a hundred yards away. In other words, it was impossible.

They challenged the impregnable barrier, breaking down what the world thought was impossible and shattering their common sense. To compensate for the weaknesses of the Flying Sword, which possessed the characteristics of both a flying sword and a sword of death, an advanced training course called the Water Thunder Sword was developed.

With a name that roughly translates to "lightning flying through water," this course was not a martial art, but a training course. It was meant to overcome the weaknesses in one's lightning power. The guiding principle for this training is,

'I become one with the water. There is no water-self distinction. It forgets itself, does not oppose nature, and becomes one with nature.

It was just a bunch of platitudes, blah, blah, blah.

Although Bi Ryuyeon had almost completed the first stage, she still lacked the strength and speed to carry a thunder sword. Furthermore, her ability to control her True Qi was very weak, and she had yet to be able to control the Thunder Spirit Sword, a sword that required the use of True Qi. For now, all Bi Ryuyeon could do was to throw the sword with little resistance from the water.

After painstakingly retrieving her lost thunderbolt, she was furious. Heat radiated from the depths of her chest as she thought about how she was still lost at this point. Next to her feet was a rock as round as a watermelon. She picked up the watermelon-sized boulder, shouted, "Ooohhhh!" to steady herself, and then threw the boulder as hard as she could out of the water. The boulder flew with such force that it barely missed hitting the rock wall and plummeting back down, then flew out of this world and into the other world where air exists. This was possible because he had mastered the art of thunderstorm flight. The question is, where did the rock go and what did it do? What happened?

After venting my anger in the right place, I felt a little relieved, but this time I felt tightness in my chest. Unlike before, it was caused by lack of breath. She could only stay in the water for about half a shijin (about an hour). And when she practiced martial arts, she could only do so for about half an hour.

She realized that she needed to climb out of the water to get oxygen again, but instead of swimming up, she had to climb up a rock wall, because her wrists and ankles were currently strapped with four Muklong rings, each weighing 140 kilograms and totaling 560 kilograms. At first, she hadn't thought of this method, so she had to take them off and throw them out of the water one by one. It was quite a hassle.

Now, when practicing in the water, Bi Ryuyeon would rather wear it. At first, she had to fight for it, but now, without it, it was very difficult to keep her balance underwater. Especially at the bottom of the waterfall, where the current was very strong, it was difficult to just stand at the bottom of the water. So now, whenever she practiced in the water, she always wore it.


Bi Ryuyeon took a deep breath of air into her lungs. It was clean air. A cool breeze wrapped around her body, drying the water from her skin. It was a refreshing sensation she'd never felt under water.

After being in another world for a while, she came back to earth and saw a white-haired old man stretched out on the ground, looking up at the sky. The old man's face was blue and swollen, as if he had received a great blow to the face. But she couldn't guess what the blow was. The old man's mouth was foaming at the seams, and he seemed to have lost consciousness. She walked over to the old man, took his pulse, and assessed his condition, and then shook her head.

"Poof, dead."

Bi Ryuyeon searched for her tongue with a pitying expression. Her breathing had stopped, her pulse no longer beating. The heart had stopped beating and was silent, and the blood in his body had stopped flowing. The old man lying there was no longer of this world.

"What a shame, to die in such a remote place."

Apparently, the cause of death was a concussion(腦震蕩). I didn't see it, but I'm guessing, based on the circumstances, that the direct cause of death was a nasty sharp rock jutting out of the back of the old man's head. He must have fallen backwards and unfortunately hit the back of his head on that pointy rock. Coincidentally, the pointy conical stone seemed to have taken a sharp turn and was the direct cause of the screaming death.

But no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure out why her grandfather's face had turned blue. There were no marks or remnants around the body. His eyes darted around, searching for a weapon that could have inflicted such a blow to the old man's face, but no matter how hard he looked, he could find no trace of it.

As someone who thinks and claims to have a cool, sharp head, I could only tentatively conclude that the old man had suffered a concussion when he lost his footing on a slippery rock and fell backwards, unfortunately hitting the back of his head on a conical stone beak. However, they were unable to determine the cause of the irritation on his face.

Of course, the old man could not have imagined in his wildest dreams that the source of the irritation on his face was the rock he had thrown in the water with confidence. The chunk of rock that had once been turned into a murder weapon by others had already disappeared into the water. Giving up on expensive brainstorming for nothing, Bi Ryuyeon became firmly convinced that her extraordinary (?) deduction was correct. Only the heavens knew the truth.

Thinking that the corpse could not be left in such a remote place, Bi Ryuyeon had the brilliant idea of salting the old man's body (a folk and feng shui geography term for the ideal state of a corpse in a tomb: not a strange state, but an ideal state) and burying it in a sunny place.

Before she could begin the process, she began to rummage through the corpse's possessions. In accordance with the Thunder Gate's teachings of come empty-handed, go empty-handed, and leave empty-handed, she took out anything that might be of value. Such things were not yet ready for the afterlife, as there was still much work to be done in this world. They should be used for the benefit of those who remain in this world. Including weapons, of course.

The only thing you could take with you to the afterlife was your clothes, and that was enough. It was the gist of the teachings handed down from generation to generation at Bi Liu Mun that a corpse wearing only one set of clothes was the ideal state of being in the grave. Anything that was taken out would now become the property of Bi Ryuyeon. That was the law.

From the old man's arms came many curious objects. There were eight walnut-sized iron fences, round and heavy like a child's toy, twelve blade-thin bracelet-sized flying circles, an elaborate bast cotton ball, a scroll, and a very heavy pouch that made my heart grow fonder the more I looked at it.

"Uh, that's a pretty heavy pocket, yikes!"

Bi Ryuyeon let out a mild squeal of delight.

"Shhh, shhh."

Shaking her head fiercely from side to side to make sure no one was around, Bi Ryuyeon slowly tugged on the string of her pouch to calm her nerves. The pouch slowly opened, confirming her suspicions. The pouch contained a total of ten brilliant golden coins. As a bonus, there were about 30 pieces of silver. This was the most unexpected thing that had ever happened to me. It was unexpected to find such a huge amount of money. …….

"Clink, clink, golden money shines beautifully, lalalala!

At this moment, Bi Ryuyeon lost his mind; he lost his reason. It was the first time in his life that he had ever seen ten gold coins all at once. He had always been frugal, but when would he ever have the chance to touch such a large sum of money?

'1 gold for 20 silver. Ten pieces of gold, two hundred pieces of silver. Add another thirty silver coins to that, and you've got two hundred and thirty silver coins. That's my two years and three months' wages! Two years and three months of hard labor in a hot, rough forge, working my bones to the bone, and then the money falls from the sky! What a windfall! The heavens have looked down and given me such a large sum of money.

I was happy. I couldn't help but be happy that I had made this much money in one fell swoop.

'After all, people are good and there is something to see!

I can't help but feel a little nostalgic.

As she was running around frantically, chanting "Hooray, hooray, hooray, hooray," a white scroll caught her eye. On the outside of the scroll, a single line of writing was beautifully inscribed: "Iron Dame Flying Circle, Qin Chao Yun, pro-war.

The word "chinjeon" was used to mean that the recipient of the letter wanted to open it physically, but since the person who was supposed to receive the letter was no longer able to open it, she decided to open it for him. She thought that maybe she could do what she was paid to do. ……. However, she felt that she was too conscientious and moral to do this, so she always thought it was a loss.

Search (書札)

Qin Shi Huan Qin Nosa (溱老師) Chin Exhibition

I would like to invite Elder Qin Zhaoyun to teach at our annual and most important tradition, the Summer Training Camp. This is the most important time for those children. I have high hopes for them now, and I ask you to teach these outstanding young people who will lead our organization in the future. I know and believe in their high skills, so please teach them. We recognize all acts necessary to teach children. I trust that you will teach them impartially, without regard to blood ties, delays, and the like. No one person should be favored by your personal feelings. Everything will be proven by your own skill.

The place is the Amishan Tianmu Ami Retreat Center, and the expected arrival date is July 15. We are sending you 10 gold coins to support your operation. If you don't have enough, you can ask the Silver Pavilion under the Martial Saint Alliance for additional support. And be sure to bring your hand with you. The period is three months. Please take care of the 16 children.

Tianmu Hakan Master Iron Fist Mazinger

"Mazinger? What a strange name!"

Looking at the name at the end of the letter, Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself. The content of the letter was not very inspiring. It was a simple letter, written in an extremely businesslike tone, with no manners or formality whatsoever. Well, the name of the letter writer didn't seem like the kind of person who would know what to expect. Mr. Mazinger! When I read it again, I couldn't hide the strange feeling. But regardless of the atmosphere, the contents of the letter piqued her interest.

"Hmm, this could be fun!

At the moment, the words that caught her eye were "Teach," "Ten gold coins," and "Additional support. Although the last one was three times larger than the first two, it didn't mean she wasn't interested in the first two. It sounded interesting, she thought, and in her otherwise dull, dreary, and boring life, this was a refreshing change of pace. Besides, she had been paid, so she had to pay for it.

'Teach……. Whoo-hoo, giggle. Yes, I will teach you. As thoroughly and as painfully as Master taught me… Finally, I have a place to vent my frustrations. I'll teach you, I'll teach you, I'll teach you how painful it is to learn, how painful it is to learn, and then I'll turn you into cilantro, one by one. cackle.'

Bi Ryuyeon reflects on her past. He remembered the torture he had to endure in the name of training and cultivation……. At that time, he had vowed to the heavens.

'Never be a learner. Be a teacher.

She had made a blood-curdling oath while staring at the wavering stars. She decided to teach them. More than anything, it would be fun. She did not know who they were, but she would find out soon enough.

But she needed a concrete plan to realize her resolve. Her head began to spin at a furious pace. Once he had decided to teach, he had to think about how to do it, and how to do it without being discovered……. His eyes fell on the bast noodles he had taken out of the corpse's arms, and they were exquisite and detailed.

Suddenly, a picture formed in her mind, and the plan took shape. She realized that she would probably need a significant amount of money to realize this plan. It would also take a long time. It was a bit of a waste, but I decided to make the investment for my work\/play business. The decision was already made, it was just a matter of execution.

She first visited the local bookstore, because in order to teach people, you need knowledge, and most of that knowledge is contained in books. She had been taught-if anyone would call it teaching-but she hadn't taught, so her information and awareness of teaching was lacking. So she felt the need to buy a book that contained teaching tips and tutoring methods for teaching people. At this point, she needed a special resource. The kind of information and resources that would nourish her to execute her plan perfectly.

Based on your own common sense, it's probably not a martial arts initiation ceremony that you're being asked to teach to children at the Heavenly Academy. Even an old man who has already died would not dare to pass on his festivals to others as a martial artist. Therefore, it would not be a simple martial arts initiation or a martial arts training. It probably means to teach mu li, or the principles of martial arts.

Teaching to that level required careful planning. But the mere act of planning was a pleasure to him. Bi Ryuyeon's entire body was bursting with energy, and his eyes were shining. Soon, the beings that would change his life and bring him pleasure would arrive. As he thought carefully about how to roast and boil them, a smile of satisfaction spread across his face.

While her mind raced with countless thoughts, her body began to fly down the mountain at the speed of an arrow. The arrow's destination was a bookstore in the village.

"But what's the Heavenly Academy doing?

As they traveled down the mountain, a question suddenly flashed through Bi Ryuyeon's mind. Now that he thought about it, he knew nothing about the Heavenly Martial Academy. He didn't even know where it was located or what its composition and power were. If someone who knew anything about the Heavenly Martial Academy had known about this, they would have tried to stop him, but there was no such person around.

Sure, she'd gone down to the village to work and earn some money, but for the most part, she'd led a closed life and knew nothing about the current state of affairs in Jianghu. He didn't even know what the famous Nine Great Sects were, let alone the Heavenly Martial Academy. His master hadn't taught him, and he hadn't learned, so it was only natural that he didn't know.

As she walked out of the bookstore, which was filled with the smell of musty paper, she clutched two old texts in her hands. Dust had settled on her shoulders and head from being in there for so long. After three hours of doggedly digging through the ink and moldy dust, she finally found what she was looking for.

One was a famous ancient book from the Tang Dynasty with the title "The Art of Swordsmanship That Even Monkeys Can Do," and the other, also from the same period, had the tempting title "You Too Can Become a Master". Both books were written by the same author, who, according to Bi Ryuyeon, was a prominent figure of the Tang Dynasty whose surname was Sa and whose first name was Qigun.

It is said that he wrote these two books in the coldness of his prison cell. He is said to have poured his heart and soul into these two books, venting his anger at the country that had unjustly imprisoned him for his ideas and actions.

During his long career in the bookstore, Mr. Bi Ryuyeon has published books such as The Theory of Mighty Fraud, The Law of Absolute Fraud (秘法公開絶對詐欺法), The Complete Beginner's Guide to Fraud (入門詐欺完全初步), The Theory of Mass Fraud (大衆詐欺論), and The Great Encyclopedia of Powerful Fraud (江湖詐欺大百科), and related books such as The Hundred Days of Mastery, The Complete Anatomy of Mastery, and The Theory of the Birth of Mastery, but I have yet to find a book that is easier, better, or more outstanding than the two books in my hands. It was truly a brilliant achievement of his hard work and diligence that he was able to find these two books in that trashy bookstore.

Now that they had the materials, the next thing they needed was the tools to teach people, but as they pondered this, a slight frown crossed their faces. The reason was simple. Unlike the materials, preparing them would inevitably cost money. When she realized that she would have to spend a considerable amount of money, her mouth turned bitter. She felt regretful. But no amount of money could change the decision she had already made. The plan had to go ahead. Zhu Wuk.

I had to find the money again, and for now, I could only hope that the worst-case scenario of going over budget wouldn't happen. If the unfortunate event of going over budget did happen, I felt like I would throw everything out the window.

"I'm getting ready to get busy.

The red sunset was slowly breaking through the boundary between heaven and earth, coloring the world red. Bi Ryuyeon walked toward the location of the ironworks. The plan would go off without a hitch.

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